Time for thanks...

October 24th, 2011
There are so many people who have kept me going through 365 and I would like to single them out.

Shades of Grey, or @shadesofgrey for thinking so highly of one of my pictures. I respect you so much and your praise is appreciated.
Paula Cook-Frakas,or @aj1268 for being tireless in your enthusiasm and your countless comments.
Elkehochban, or @timandelke for your support and encouragement.
Joe Dimuli, or @jodimuli for your great sense of humor.

Now it is your turn. Who would you like to thank???
October 24th, 2011
@robinwarner - my biggest cheerleader
@eyebrows for always showing up when I post pretty girls
@shadesofgrey @aj1268 @9gpie @mikegifford for checking out my stuff daily without fail

I love this community :)
October 24th, 2011
@psychographer Lisa was one of my first followers and has commented on virtually every photo I have posted since, even the crappy ones! Thank you Lisa for keeping me plodding on through days when I've felt unispired and in a rut and for bringing many a smile to my face x

@cazink Carly, so many of your photos have been so inspiring. I don't know how you do many of your edits but they are always stunning. Thank you for all your kind words.

@aromatic @cjwhite Carolyn, Jane you have both comemnted on so many of my photos, I can't tell you how much it means to me. I really appreciate the time you spend viewing at and commenting on my pictures.

@cjfitzgerald Courtney even on a day when things may not have gone how you wanted you always seem to put a positive spin on things, that along with your infectious smile and thoughtfulness makes it a pleasure to view your photos each day. Thank you for giving me a daily beam of sunshine even on grey cloudy days.

@minxymissk Karen, I know you have had a difficult time over the last few months, so I would like to thank you for the advice and support you have offered me in that time too.

@httpgeffed Colleen, thank you for always taking the time to view and comment on my photos. I appreciate it and I love seeing your bright cheery photos

@robinwarner Robin, thank you for your daily photos which seem to balance joy and heartbreaking pain equally. They are always incredible and provoke so many thoughts.

@sdpace Stacy, without you I don't think I would ever manage to take a half decent moon photo, looking through the exif details of your shots has really helped me so thank you
October 24th, 2011
@sdpace *bow*
October 24th, 2011
I don't have time to thank 1,200 people.

So, thanks, 365 :)
October 24th, 2011
@emmar84 aww thanks so much :D

I want to thank everyon ethat comments on my photos - means so much
October 24th, 2011
Of course, the biggest thanks goes to Ross, @scrivna, for starting it all.
October 24th, 2011
@emmar84 Thank you Emma! I love looking at your pics! :0)
October 24th, 2011
I too like Annie Charalambous would like to thank all the people that have taken time to comment and view my pics. However One lady has been with me for 6 months and I would like to say Thank you for sticking with me @cimes1
So many of you have helped me improve and made me challenge myself to be better. I bow before you and send big hugs to you all. xx
October 24th, 2011
@robinwarner who has been such a great inspiration and encourager for me,@lorihiro for making miss b the phenomenon that she is...you are a wonderful "auntie";0, @pwallis for always bringing a smile to my face with your sense of humor and your comments even when i am so lousy at it, @jodimuli because you make me laugh everyday, and for all of you who take the time to comment on my work even when i cannot return the favor:)))(hugs)
October 24th, 2011
@4stories I agree @lorihiro is the best.
October 24th, 2011
@emmar84 Emma you are one thoughtful chick. I am sure all that you thanked appreciated your kind words.
October 25th, 2011
@hagscat Carin, I am moved to tears reading your post. Awww, thanks and I feel the same about you. Love your photos & reading about your sweet family--bless you all!
October 25th, 2011
I have learned so much from the discussions...thank you to all who so kindly answer questions there--seriously! Thank you to everyone who inspires me with their awesome shots and comments on mine!
October 25th, 2011
@4stories Thank you so much for the mention Liz:) You just made me feel all warm and fuzzy! Of course, your 4 beautiful babes make your project pretty enjoyable viewing:)
October 25th, 2011
@smapp @sdpace Thanx! My night has been made...oh, and you're welcome! ;)
October 25th, 2011
I quite often find myself falling behind on saying my "thank yous" (which I feel become redundant after a while), so this is a great idea!
So, Thank You:
Kim, for your constant support and encouragement. I can always count on your positive comments!
Joseph, for your continuous kind words!
For your beautiful words, and interest not only in my photos, but what I have to say.
Rev. Joel, for your kindness and occasional comments.
Kat, for giving me my very first fav!!

So many people to thank.. but so little time!
October 25th, 2011
I'd like to thank anyone and everyone that commented on my photos. but these people comment often and I value their comments and opinions. Thanks!
@pwallis~ Thanks Paula, love your photos and your comments always bring a smile.
@peterauliciems~ You've commented on my photos almost from the beginning of my project and I appreciate it so much! Thanks Peter!
@olivetreeann~ You always have a kind thing to say Ann! I so appreciate it. ~
@alia_801 ~ I love your photos of your birds. And thanks for taking the time to comment on my photos!
@summerfield ~ You always have a kind word~ I look forward to what you will say. And I enjoy your photos and stories.
@marytj ~ Always so kind Mary! You fav so many of my shots, you make my day every time you comment!

Great idea for a thread~ I'm almost done my project and this is a great way to thank everyone before that day.
October 25th, 2011
I want to thank all my followers, especially those who have encouraged and supported me, especially this past week when I almost quit. LOVE YOU GUYS!!! x
October 25th, 2011
@emmar84 Thank you so much! You are so sweet! I have to THANK YOU for your wise words this summer when I almost quit. I am constantly sharing your wisdom on discussions when people say they are thinking about giving up.

Honestly, I couldn't even begin to THANK everyone and I'd hate to leave anyone out. So many folks inspire me and keep me going, even when I want to just put this whole project behind me. THANK YOU to all who continue to view my photos.

Sorry for the weak bow out of not being specific, but it's just where I'm at. Great thread
October 25th, 2011
My thanks goes out to these wonderful people.

@sdpace Love her work, love her encouragement back.
@robinwarner Her work is inspiring, makes me want to be a better photographer, even though I'll never have the cajones she has for taking street shots.
@kerristephens How she found my first shot and commented on it almost immediately after I posted it is beyond me. It was a crap shot, but she gave encouragement, which is what I needed at the time.
@michellepj Wish I could have spent more time talking with her this summer at our meet and greet. It was wonderful to see how she approached subjects then.
@laurentye Lauren always has an encouraging word for each of my shots. I'm amazed she goes through them all.
@sarasdadandmom Terry is the same as Laura, commenting on every one of my shots. The encouragement always helps.
@keithdavid What a great sense of humor. I need to get together with him again over a nice tall cold bottle of beer and just shoot the breeze. Then we'll go out and shoot some shots.
@hjbenson Harry amazes me. He takes the time to thank each and every person individually when they comment on his photos. I wish I could do that, but I seem to have lost all sense of time anymore and feel like I have no time to do much of anything except look at photos and make a comment here or there. I need to learn something from him and be gracious to my followers for taking the time to comment on my shots. Thanks Harry.

And I've probably offended someone by not naming them, but I think it's time for someone else to continue this.
October 25th, 2011
@smapp -- That is so nice of you to say. I have been so busy and not keeping up with the commenting. I am hoping to catch up one of these days!
@4stories --You know how I feel about Miss B! :-)
I am so thankful to all my peeps for hanging in with me even though I have not been on 365 so much. I miss it so, but life keeps getting in the way! :-(

October 25th, 2011
Wow- I feel like I'm about to give a speech at the Academy Awards! First and foremost I must thank several people who always, without fail, comment on each and every one of my photos: @digitalrn, @kerristephens, @bkbinthecity, @karenann, @httpgeffed, @sanera, @summerfield, @changingtides, @cimes1, @mrssmith, @allie912, @dmariewms, @steeler, @nicolecampbell and @espyetta. You guys are awesome and I can't tell you how much your investment in my photos means to me- even if it's just a quick view, I know you took the time to check in on me and that is so meaningful!!

I also have to thank some very special followers- my S challenge buddies- @daveanajao, @rogley8 and @alia_801 I'm so glad we connected!!

And I must also brag about my faithful followers- @annaruth, @kkauter, @pandorasecho, @bruni, @friendi, @jmj, @adobewaters, @dbjohnson, @postbypam, @cdford, @michaelelliot, @kimmiesue, @sarasmomanddad, @sarah19, @kezzam, @pttblues and @geertje whose enthusiastic comments always make my day.

And there are so many more who stop in once and a while or leave a comment on my photos when they see them in a discussion or challenge- that wonderful 365 community! It really is so different from all the other networking sites. There is so much more substance here!

And finally @scrivna- Ross what a concept you had! This is a great site and you hold it together so well! Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf!

Thank you all- you are THE BEST!!!
October 25th, 2011
@smapp WOW, I am truly honored that you mentioned me. I had no idea and I truly appreciate it. You have some amazing photos. (great thread idea btw)

@sdpace Thank you so much. I didn't realize you noticed. You have some great shots and I enjoy keeping an eye on your album

Sooo to pay it forward:

@indiannie_jones For being such a kind soul and taking amazing photos of everyday things. You have made this place feel like home for so many of us.

@jodimuli You are truly an artistic inspiration. You without fail beat 90% of everyone to commenting on a given photo. I have no idea how you do it. I could pick a random photo from any category and chances are you have already commented and you are sincere with each and every comment.

@marinda You have some amazing photos and an amazing personality. Your sense of humor and warmth make help make this place what it is.

@ldpaul From a small comment I made on a thread of yours way back in January, we have made a friendship. You are such a great person and I enjoy our "conversations"

@shortperson2002 Thanks for being a shining beacon of happiness and up beat-ness.

@brumbe Thanks for always checking in and keeping in touch. It means a lot.

@lauren211 Your effervescence and amazing photography are infectious. You are an inspiration to a whole lotta people on here.

@sanera Without fail you make it a point to comment on all my photos and it means a lot that you take the time to stop by

@sjodell Thank you so much and I look forward to your uplifting comments.

@jinximages @eyebrows and @icywarm Thank you for all the technical help and information. I truly wouldn't get as much out of this site without learning all about what really makes photography and the web tick. I'm sure there are others on here that feel the same. All of your help makes us better photographers. You are pro's and take the time to mentor us wanna-be's and kinda-are's, that is more than most seem to do. You have made a difference, thank you.

So to those I didn't mention I apologize...I still appreciate your comments and that you take the time to send me a note. I truly appreciate it

And for those I'm starting to cultivate friendships with and those that I haven't yet but will soon, I look forward to enjoying all your great photography.

Oh yeah, I guess I could mention Ross @scrivna ..... you know since he had the vision to start this site and everything! Thank you for cultivating a community where photographers from every level and walk of life can come together and share a common passion and truly learn from each other.
October 25th, 2011
@shadesofgrey *curtsy*

I enjoy helping others learn stuff more than possibly anything else, so thank you for being interested in the stuff I'm able to write about :)
October 25th, 2011
Lots of thanks to the folks I continue to monitor in order to learn more, and to see their perspective/location in the world through a camera lens. Special thanks to the following:

@sdpace and @pwallis for the endless views and comments from nearly day 1 of this year when I decided to start this 365 project. Their work also inspires and motivates.

@cath for wonderful pics of Cape Town and her fabulous home along with the garden and kittys - add this to all the views and comments you're great! ;-)

@jessicapena for the great pics and comments backs. Keep the shots coming ;-)

@webfoot for the editing and post processing investigations and checking out PS actions, etc, etc. Many thanks!

@sparkle I can't comment enough. Your shots around England, train stations, countryside, gym, and other places along with your fabulous edits are amazing. My fav folder has several of your pics - love'm!

@gavincci for the way too cool edits and creativity! I continue to learn and try to figure out just how you do it. Keep it up ;-)

@glendq @jdonnelly @mikhasus @threeplusone @hagscat @kmwilliams @jml0306 @shutterbugger @triciaanddazzle @naladka @netkonnexion @wadey for the inspiring photos, Photoshop cloning techniques, shots from your neighborhoods, identify this, and of course all the endless views, comments and favs!

Thanks everyone!
October 25th, 2011
@sanera @mikegifford Thank you SO much for the love! I'm feelin it. I'm kind of where @cfitzgerald is at as far as specific thanks. Everyone on here has been so kind, wonderful and supportive and I'd hate to leave someone out, as I interact with a lot of you on a daily basis. I just want to send some love out for all of you that can appreciate my sometimes offbeat humour, my overuse of pugs and Pickle as subjects, and especially those that feel my work is worth a critique or two - that's been the most helpful thing of all.
So thanks for all your helpful tips and techniques, views and comments, and the fav's! (I love the fav's:)
And I thank those of you who manage to find at least one kind thing to say about my photos each and every day - we all have off days and I know every shot can't be a diamond, but it's so nice that everyone takes the time to dig deep and find one truthful thing that they like about a particular shot:)
I wish I could tag everyone in this post, but that would probably be pretty annoying for you:)
October 25th, 2011
@shadesofgrey goshh I cant tell you enough how much that tiny comment means to me!! thanks Shades. I wish I was more active on here like I used to be... I used to be sooo connected and now Its like I dont take the time because I dont have that time anymore. You are awesome Shades, just know. to hear words like that from you is inspiring and encouraging in itself. Thanks.
October 25th, 2011
@mikegifford wow....really? Me?! When I started my project I was just expecting to get inspiration from others...not be the source of it. Wow Thanks Mike, you just made my day :)
Time time to pay it forward then. I'd like to thank everyone. I wouldn't have stayed here if it weren't for everyone's kind comments and encouragement! I've learned so much and I still have just over 100 days to go. By the time I leave here I'll be a GeNiUs!!! bwahahaha

Paula @pwallis, for seeing the good, even in my crappiest shots
Jani @janmaki for making me laugh
Scooter @scooter for commenting, no matter what
Muse @muse, for helping me with my french ;)
Dave @chewyteeth for being my photo guide for my Mum's stomping ground back in Manchester
Pat @happypat for a look into your everyday life. (if I ever get to the Uk, I'm staying with you ;)
and two big ones...
Sean @slang...my brother in law who saw how much fun this was and decided to give it a go. Thanks for kicking my butt into gear and getting me out there and encouraging me :)
And Dale @onarom for being my how-to guy. Do you know many people who will send a stranger, by email, step by steps on how to do just about anything? I don't. Big thanks :)
October 25th, 2011
anyone who has taken the time to look at my photos and comment on them
thank you : )
October 26th, 2011
@shadesofgrey Oh gosh! [blush] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5HRzaOFhec that means a lot :) your comment, not the video. although the vid is pretty cool too.
October 26th, 2011
i'd like to give a shoutout to my cousin RayRay!
October 26th, 2011
@emmar84 Thanks so much for mentioning me Emma. I love your photos and always look forward to viewing and commenting on them xx
October 26th, 2011
SO many! Too many to list, in fact.
I will thank Rudi, @rudit however, I've been following him since we both started July 2010. I just found out he posted his last photo yesterday. I'm going to miss him, he always had something nice to say and is such a sweetie.
Best wishes, Rudi.

October 27th, 2011
I would like to thank eveyone, including @shadesof grey, who has taken the time to look at my work and leave suggestions or encouragement. My most steadfast follower for the entire year and a half that I've participated is Robin, @girlie. She never fails to swing by and offer some kind comment, despite the fact that she has an enormous list of followers and following. I also appreciate Mohab Mustafa,@almohab, for his photographic genius as well as for an amazing peek inside his country, so far away from my own.
October 27th, 2011
Thanks Jenn
I began this project just snapping things around my house, but I very quickly realised the most exciting thing for me was seeing the world, at grass roots level like a daily Phileas Fogg expedition. I adjusted my own project, I hope, to portray my locale to others. The ones i'd pick out then tend to be ones whose projects showed me an interesting snapshot of their region.
From Australia and it's territories @brizmako and @lbmcshutter
From Germany @luxvivens
From Canada @shutterbugger, @jgoldrup, @pwallis, @bkbinthecity
The States @kmwilliams
Japan @mhensley
and finally - covering most other countries @jannaellen

And aside from the geographical, @f365, @diningwithliam, @luvthyclassics
I love you guys, yey!
October 27th, 2011
Aaaaaaaaaaw, @cheewyteeth you are so sweet! I adore seeing MCR through your eyes, too!
October 27th, 2011
Oh, and I should mention @parisouailleurs because her Paris photographs make me come back again and again... :)
October 27th, 2011
@luxvivens awwww yes and i want you coma back again and again. Merci Marion
October 27th, 2011
@chewyteeth Thanks Dave! I've so enjoyed your project thus far and appreciate all your commentary on my photographs. I love reading what you have to say as well. :)
October 28th, 2011
@chewyteeth aw thanks Dave!! I always look forward to your beautiful shots, especially since I have yet to be able to get my butt out of the USA and see those sights myself!
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