what happens when I reach 365?

October 29th, 2011
Does anyone know if anything changes with our account when I reach 365? I just want to make sure I'll still have access to everything. Can I continue to add to the same folder?

THANKS! :) YAY ~ 64 more days!
October 29th, 2011
If you want to keep going, nothing happens. You can either keep adding to your folder or you can sign up for Ace membership and start a new folder.
October 29th, 2011
Yay! Thank you! I was worried it might just "end" and feared losing access to the photos! :)
October 29th, 2011
It just keeps going, and going, and going, and.....................
October 29th, 2011
Haha..... I've decided I'm going to do MONTHLY "projects" starting in January, so, I can do 12 creative-challenges. Maybe a doodle-a-day, recipe-a-day, work-out-a-day...... I'll probably end up taking pictures nearly every day too, depending on what my challenges end up being :) I'm definitely open to suggestions too if anyone has any!
October 29th, 2011
Just another tip, you need to click on the reply @............ over on the right hand side if you want people to get your comments in these discussions. @danimarie
October 29th, 2011
@kjarn Hiw do you keep adding to the same folder if its full or does it start a new year?
October 29th, 2011
@raggleroo You just keep adding like you do now. I'm into my second year with 388 photos in the same album so far. One person I'm following has 2231 photos in his album.
October 29th, 2011
@kjarn Ah, Okaay :) Thanks for clearing tha up.
October 29th, 2011
You stop when you decide to stop.
October 29th, 2011
@danimarie thanks for starting this discussion! I was wondering as well.... I do have and ACE membership, but didn't know if I had to start a new album, or continue w/ the old. I like your idea for monthly themes. I may do a theme thing for myself as well.... give me some direction on my pics.... I may pic a scene, and take a pic of it on the same day every month, to see how it changes w/ weather, for example.... so many possibilities!
October 29th, 2011
@danimarie - I love your idea of 12 monthly projects!! If I do a 2nd yr, I may do that too!!
October 29th, 2011
@kimfaria .. with an Ace membership.. if Im correct, you will lose access to your other albums , until you renew , the main album will stay open and available to view and add too..
October 29th, 2011
@danimarie You throw a big party and you can happily continue snapping photos and adding them to your folder :-) Your percentage counter will then go from 100% to 200%, but there is no restriction. Enjoy!
October 29th, 2011
@kjarn - who is that - the 2000 some photos poster?
October 29th, 2011
@danimarie - that's a great idea; i'm already (at 200-some) getting a little anxious about the end of the year. A big part of taking the photos is being able to put them up for others to see. Maybe I'll try to focus more on specific skills month by month - I've learned SO much in the past several months, but it's been a very scatter-shot approach to building skills.
October 29th, 2011
@kjarn ~ haha, oops! i forgot, thank you!

@kimfaria ~ I love your scene idea! That would be neat to see the changes. I love color (and am even doing a study on color theory & the ability of color to convey meaning for my masters thesis) so I was thinking perhaps one month I'll try to take a the most colorful photos I can each day: perhaps in nature, my closet, my makeup, my paint dropcloth, scrapbook paper, etc. Would be interesting :)

@kimmiesue ~ Yay! I'm getting excited about it! I figured some months I'll be taking photos for it, some months I might not. I like the idea of accomplishing 12 challenges instead of just repeating this one. I'm trying to get my fiance to choose 12 as well..... he's a big videography fan, so I suggested taking a mini video-clip a day for a month and then compiling. I also did a 30-day Yoga challenge which was fun and may be worth doing again :)

@raymond ~ haha, HUGE party, yes! I'll be finishiing my masters program 10 days before finishing 365, so I'm thinking a giant celebration is in order!

@reba ~ I know what you mean! Mine has become pretty jumbled too and I feel like a lot of days were "wasted" just because I took a picture for the sake of taking a picture. I would love to narrow down a bit more and perhaps focus a whole month on abstract photography!
October 29th, 2011
dani marie - i'm going to start following you and look to you for inspiration on this.
October 29th, 2011
@danimarie me too!
October 29th, 2011
@reba his name is Josh Sudweeks
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