Dead Followers

October 31st, 2011
I'm going through my 654 followers and "un" following anyone I haven't heard from in the past months, (save for kiddos or a few that I know are taking a break).
I'm not trying to be rude, but trying to pare down so I can actually make comments on the people's photos that take the time to comment on mine from time-to-time.

Plus, I just did a scan for "Dead Followers" (thank you The Steve/Eyebrows/Teddy Bear/The Beast Ne Teddy Bear/Doctor What?) and see that I'm at 41% Zombie Followers, which is quite shocking, lol
October 31st, 2011
been culling for a few weeks now,, need to do it every so often..
October 31st, 2011
I just did the same thing, as I kept going back over and over again to the same shots to see if they'd posted recently. Anyone that starts posting again, I will happily refollow:)
October 31st, 2011
@nikkers @pwallis Thanks, I don't feel so bad now! I'm trying not to un-follow if I know they're taking a break or just busy.
October 31st, 2011
I have done the same thing too! I love looking through and commenting on as many as I can but if they haven't been on for at least 6 weeks, then I 'unfollow'. I hate doing it, but I would rather spend my limited time on 365, commenting on the regular faithfuls!!
October 31st, 2011
@kimmiesue I agree--there are quite a few I see now that are still doing their projects but not commenting, which is fine. (:
October 31st, 2011
@clarissajohal I understand what you're going through. I don't have that many followers, but even in my small amount there are names that have not appeared in a long time. I am the kind of person who wants to interact with my followers, so I'd rather have a list of people I comment on who also comment back than lots of people hanging around in the atmosphere but never landing on earth. I need to do the same!
October 31st, 2011
Thanks for the link. :) I hadn't scanned in a while and I have 32% zombie followers. Been doing some cutting myself. I can't imagine following 600+ people!

Maybe Ross @scrivna could go through and eliminate some of the old accounts like he did before?
October 31st, 2011
@olivetreeann My thoughts exactly!!
October 31st, 2011
There are some really excellent photographers here and some who are learning and have some really fabulous photos but the more people we follow the less we see. I can't imagine logging in each morning and having to look through several hundred pictures. That's just too overwhelming and my eyes would glaze over. The important people and those who I really have an interest in are lost in the crowd. So, I try to keep things manageable. I keep those who I have some connection with and the others ... well, I can be brutal. I do the same with my facebook friends. I don't pick up friends for the sake of having friends. I would rather have friends who really are my friends. ;-)
October 31st, 2011
wow just did a scan, 45% of my followers are "dead" and 39% of the people I follow are too! I agree that interacting with your followers/followees is the best bit but sometimes I find I haven't got time to do much more than look at the dashboard when I upload. That said I occasionally follow someone whose pictures I really like just so when I do eventually get some time I haven't forgotten who they were!
October 31st, 2011
I do that every once in a while. If someone hasn't posted in two months, I unfollow them. If they start up again, I'll refollow if I notice that they're active again.
October 31st, 2011
@rich57 Crazy, isn't it? I halved my Followers just now. I feel so...mean. That said, I haven't seen your photos in awhile and am Following you so off I go. Naughty me.
October 31st, 2011
@clarissajohal haha don't worry about that, it was this discussion that made me realise I hadn't seen yours for a while either!!! Am now preparing to write a hundred lines of "I must be a better 365er"
October 31st, 2011
@rich57 lol I've surrendered myself the the fact that I just need to replicate myself. One Me for writing/work associated with, one Me for housework, one for the yard, one for fun, one for mom-taxi, etc, etc....
@dmortega You mean you don't have 1,332 Face Book friends? haha Yep, I never understood that either. Posts fall on deaf ears, kind of like Twitter
October 31st, 2011
I did it and finally feel that I am caught up on the people that I follow and follow me. I actually had to go in and get rid of the people I was following but were not following me. I actually try to keep all my social media numbers down because I find that too many clutter up the information from the people I do want to see or know about.
October 31st, 2011
Oh, but I do appreciate all that follow me and take on day once a month to go through their photos to make comments. Amazingly, some of them do not actually comment back on mine though.
October 31st, 2011
I think I'm going to do the same thing. I don't have a ton of followers, but I do have a faction of followers who I interact with on a fairly regular basis and I find that sometimes their photos get lost in the photo mix of followers who tend to remain more autonomous/anonymous. I'll give 'dead follower' scan a shot this afternoon and go from there.
October 31st, 2011
just ran the zombie determiner thingy.....well. no wonder no one it looking at my pictures. so many of my followers are zombies. zombies don't care about my pictures. there's an enhancement for 365 - allow us to block followers.
October 31st, 2011
Is the link accurate? Because it states I have 849 followers and I follow 148, when in fact I have 642 followers and I follow 131? @eyebrows ?
October 31st, 2011
surely "zombie" followers aren't a problem are they? they aren't doing any harm following you, if you follow them and they aren't posting then they aren't taking up any space on your newsfeed either. Struggling to see the point in removing them, other than because you can.

What happens if i automatically unfollow someone for you and they come back, then you would want to follow them again! For me this is a no-win situation.
October 31st, 2011
What @Scrivna said about followers. I keep those I follow low because I do comment on nearly every image they post. However, if they do not comment back I do not unfollow. I follow for reasons other than tit-for-tat and the social aspect is less an issue. But then I am admittedly odd, so...
October 31st, 2011
@clarissajohal Shockingly impressed you remembered so many of my names! :D

@vikdaddy Will be stating the numbers from the last time you used it, so just do a fresh scan and it should update...

@Scrivna also this. Apart from out of a vaguely-OCD desire for tidiness there's no point at all in removing them.
October 31st, 2011
@Scrivna If you're going through your "Following" list to see photos it just takes up precious time, is all. I was trying to get back to doing that rather than the feed--I find it easier. Plus, I'm primarily removing Followers that I don't recall getting comments from...ever. I'm not on this site to talk to myself!
I was under the impression you were deleting unused accounts awhile back because it cost the site money--am I mistaken?
@eyebrows I have a photographic memory, lol
And yes, removing Dead Followers is slightly OCD. Excuse me while I go wash my hands again....
October 31st, 2011
@clarissajohal he he he :oD

I enjoyed looking at this. Thanks for alerting me to it! I am hoping some of my zombies come back!!!
October 31st, 2011
@clarissajohal very apt to be taking out zombie followers on Halloween.
..,beware The Walking Dead.
think i'll have a shot too.
October 31st, 2011
@sleepdozer57 hey I'm one of the walking dead here, and we have feelings too!

I've been off for a few months, just didnt' feel like uploading after a few serious days of shooting, plus had a lot of editing to do then it just became a desire not to spam everyones feed with my photos. I try to only upload one or two at a time because of that but when you're 5 months behind, well, it's going to be awhile!
October 31st, 2011
October 31st, 2011
Ive lost a few followers but gained a few too, finding it hard to keep up with 365 tbh but dont want to admit defeat and give up x
November 1st, 2011
I just cleaned up dead accounts for people I am following that I know won't be back but the people following me scan shows "Dead (no activity within 28 days)" 240 (48%). Yeesh.
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