
November 7th, 2011
Ok so I've not been able to post pictures this weekend because it's been EXTREMELY busy for me. My husband and I went to the hockey game on Friday night. I had to be at the Y by 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning to help set up for our big annual home invitational meet (400 swimmers) and left there around 11:00 to drive 45 minutes to my son's football team's first playoff game. They won 20-6 and my son caught an interception during the game.

Then, it was back to the Y for the swim meet (which is a two day meet). My daughter took 35 seconds off her 200 freestyle. We were at the Y until after 9:00 p.m. and I had to be back at the Y at 7:30 this morning (I am the secretary of the parent board for the swim team) even though my daughter did not have to swim until this afternoon. We were at the Y until 6:30 tonight and we are finally having an actual meal.

I have to do at least one load of laundry tonight so my daughter's gym clothes are clean for school tomorrow. Anyway, my whole point to this is to let my followers know that I will be "catching up" on my project as soon as I can. I took over 4000 pictures this weekend between the hockey game, my son's football game and the swim meet. I got plenty to pick from for each day of the weekend. I hope everyone else had a great weekend.
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