One Month to One Year

November 12th, 2011
I am one month out from completing the 365 project today. Is this the light at the end of the tunnel? I am contemplating whether I will continue the project. I really have enjoyed and been enraptured by many of the images I've seen on the site. I've deeply appreciated the comments made by y'all, and have been sorry not giving as much feedback as I have been given. I've really have learned a lot from the process and feel like I am a more flexible photographer, again thanks to the community here. Is anyone else coming to their 1 year milestone? How do you feel? What will you do?
November 12th, 2011
I am about a month and a week from completing. I have mixed emotions as well. I love the tips and tricks I have learned and I love my visual diary. On the other hand, I am so burned out from thinking creatively and commenting is too much these days. I have loved this experience, but I wonder if a year is the right amount of time. I could keep posting and I might, but I'd hate for people to take their time to look at my photos and not give them the same courtesy. Also, if I do a year two, I will not be above posting fillers for those UGH days.

I would miss those people who I have connected with too. I guess I have mixed feelings. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with these feelings. I'll check back to see what others say too.
November 12th, 2011
Congrats on almost finishing your year!
November 12th, 2011
@emsabh I will finish my first year on Dec. 31. Yes- I do have mixed feelings about it. The commenting is time consuming for me because I am very loyal about it. But I realize I can't continue to do it as consistently as I have for the first year if I should do a year two. I'm thinking that I could continue to comment on those still in progress, but maybe not take on any new folks in year two- still wrestling with that. As far as the picture process goes, I don't let myself get pressured with that now because I want 365 to be a creative and fulfilling outlet for me. The minute I make the rules too strict, it becomes oppressive and that's definitely not the point! In year two, I just may not post everyday, but I will certainly fill all the dates. I'm still debating what to do in my head. But one thing I do know and that is this community has been a lifesaver for me and my followers/followees have become so important that I really can't see myself just shutting off this project and walking away from it! So, I'm 99% sure there'll be a year two, but I'm not sure what it's going to look like.
November 12th, 2011
I started year 1 on January 1st 2011 and just got an ace account on October 15th, so I'll definitely be back for a year 2. I'm not sure exactly how I will approach it yet though.
November 12th, 2011
I finished my year at the end of July, but decided to carry on. But I am not as strict with myself about taking a photo every day., therefore I miss some days but do not worry about it. I also don't try as hard with my photos, LOL. It's more of a documenting day to day thing than it is about the photography anymore to me.
November 12th, 2011
I started my project on January 1st, so I'm close to completing mine as well. When I started, I wasn't sure I'd even be able to do a month, let alone an entire year. And yet, I've been able to post a photo, every day, taken on that particular day. There have been days where I just didn't seem to have the willpower, or focus to get a good shot, but I went out anyway.

In the long run, this has become such a routine, that I will probably continue with a second year. I paid for an ACE membership back in March or April and started a second album in case I had days where I had extra photos, or wanted to try a theme for the week. I've kept the third album in reserve. That album will be my 2012 album. So, it's a long answer to a short question, but at this point in time, I'm planning on continuing on. I hope you continue, as I have enjoyed viewing your work here.
November 12th, 2011
I hit my 365th photo back in May but started a second project at the beginning of 2011, that I quit around day 270-something. Once it became a chore, I had to stop.
November 12th, 2011
I recently got an ace account so I can carry on when I finish this year on the 31st of December. I have already relaxed my own rules and don't always take my days photo on the day but they are all taken within a few days of posting.
My plan is to learn how to use my other half's DSLR and I have some books on their way. I really enjoy it here and don't want it to end. I also don't want to lose the motivation to pick up the camera after coming so far in 11 months. I started the project because my friend @zanettie was starting and it sounded really cool. I knew nothing about photography when I started. I don't know much now but I know I like it :-)
November 12th, 2011
I've posted 201 photos and am on Day 140 of my project. For me, it would be a chore to feel compelled to take a shot everyday, although I usually do. I prefer to take a batch of pictures and come back home to look at them (this is exciting for me- always find a shot I didn't expect to like and usually some that I thought would be great just aren't), choose some I like, duplicate those and then play around with the processing. I will often end up with 4 or 5 shots that I quite like. So, on a day like today, I posted one of the shots I took yesterday. I also don't comment as often or as helpfully as I'd like and I wish I could say I saw every shot the people I follow post but I just don't. If I tried, then it would be back to being a chore and I just don't need more chores! Lowering the expectations for yourself seems smart to me as it helps maintain the interest and excitement while giving me freedom to decide what I want to do.
November 12th, 2011
I too started on Jan 1st, and will probably scale back my efforts once year one is completed. I can't just leave, as it's become too much a part of my life, but relaxing the effort of a photo a day will be no bad thing. One of my aims for next year is to put more work into my stock image photos, to try & see if I can generate a little income from my pictures, rather than just have them sit on my hard drive(s)!
November 12th, 2011
I am thinking of doing a few things:
More of one shot with several edits
Make a list of 52 Mandatory Shots and compare to other year twos
Not worry about a shot a day and focus more quality photo time.
November 12th, 2011
Also I am thinking in mid December putting a post out that if people are not continuing next year, would they mind unfollowing so I can focus on active accounts. I hate going into my followers and seeing 50 inactive people and missing seeing new people
November 13th, 2011
I’ve been in a slump lately, but as I approach the one year mark on December 31st I think I would feel a bit of a void if I quit. I haven’t ruled out quitting, but most likely I’ll still be around. I still have much to learn and achieve in the field of photography, and this project keeps it in the forefront. Then there’s the people factor. I can’t imagine leaving all of my 365 friends behind.
November 13th, 2011
for me one year will be on January 25th, but i'll go on for another year ;D
November 13th, 2011
@pamelaf @brumbe @indiannie_jones @hmgphotos @cfitzgerald @izythunder @lisjam1 @sburbidge Thanks for the feedback. I too was thinking about maybe doing the next exploration of finding specific, lengthier self projects and posting the images when they're done. I've already had scaled back on the daily discipline, it did turn out to be too much, especially when I changed jobs at the end of summer. Paula, I think it's a good idea to pare down the numbers - I also want to spend the time to provide feedback to those I follow more, in exchange for posting a daily photo.
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