40 More Pics

November 21st, 2011
For those who started at the beginning of the year, there are only 40 more pics left for the project!

What will you be doing for the rest of your project? Anything you haven't captured or will be trying over the next few weeks? For me, I might try some street photography and still testing out my new wide angle lens.

I still can't believe that I am actually completing this - I thought I would have left after the first few months. ;-)
November 21st, 2011
Wahoo! Can't believe how far we've made it into our projects! I have a lot of "bucket list" items still to shoot, but I'm kind of rolling with the shots that present themselves to me at the moment. Still have a few must shoot locations left in Vancouver that I've yet to capture:)
November 21st, 2011
As with the majority of my project, I have no plan. I realize I have much to learn before I even attempt anything that would be considered "bucket list" worthy. I may go back and try and finish the September song challenge that I abandoned, but now that I talked about it, it probably won't happen.
November 21st, 2011
@pwallis @mej2011 You two need to get a life. I mean not only do you almost immediately comment on a new discussion, but it's the two of you...together...like always. Weird.

I think I'm gonna go with series each week for the last 40 days. Haven't really decided what to do for all of them, but I've got a good idea. I treat my photos almost like mini tutorials. How about this?

Inspired by songs for a week
Holiday lights where I teach you how to capture great outdoor light photos
Indoor photography to teach you how to capture interior scenes with dark hours

I'm open to further suggestions?
November 21st, 2011
@jasonbarnette I can't help that discussions I want to join in on are always posted right when i have my tiny window of free time for the day. And do you notice how you're always the third one chiming in? Also weird. I really like your holiday lights tutorial idea!
November 21st, 2011
Ruin my day, why don't you? Thanks.
November 21st, 2011
@pwallis Erm...I *only* chime in cause you two do first.

Around here hundreds of homes put up outdoor Christmas lights. Whenever people try to shoot them they always turn out really dark. So, I figure maybe I'll even *GASP* use my P&S to shoot a photo or two and teach everyone how to do it.

@mej2011 Absolutely! Glad to help.
November 21st, 2011
I'll be very pleased to finish ths project. As much as I've totally enjoyed it, I'm looking forward to it ending. I think I need a break. Was considering a theme as well for some weeks as @jasonbarnette suggested. How about colours of the rainbow... ROYGBIV - one colour for each day. It would fill up a week.
November 21st, 2011
Haven't you ever heard that it's better to be a leader, and not a follower?
November 21st, 2011
I started on the 11th Jan, so I am a few days behind some people.. It's a weird feeling knowing the goal is in sight, it seemed to suddenly creep up, and now its a case of knowing that you will get to the end, where beforehand you wondered if you would ever make it..

I dont have a clue what I am going to do to be honest... I think I will do what I have always done.. fly by the seat of my pants :) Who needs themes? lol x
November 21st, 2011
@russianblue I have a folder of rejects that I've intended to go back and re-shoot. Now I have to actively got and chase them if I'm to get them in time!
November 21st, 2011
I have meandered my way through the project and will probably spend the next 40 days doing the same :) I am going to try for a light trail picture this week though!
November 21st, 2011
@minxymissk I like your comment about "meandered my way through the project", I feel much the same way, trying to learn a little along the way, still trying to decide if I do a second year and what my goals will be...
November 21st, 2011
I started a bit later in Jan, got about 50 days to go. I dont think any of us who make it to the end are then going to just STOP taking photos....so I'm quite chilled about finishing as I know I'll carry on learning and practising after the end of the project.

Unless of course I'm way off here...anyone who decides they are going to set fire to all their gear after this project please contact me before you do so...I fancy some new toys!! :)
November 21st, 2011
I started a little late, 2nd week in January. Hard to believe it....I so wanted to do more, just never had the opportunity. I really really want to capture lightening! Not going to happen, rare to see that in Pittsburgh in the winter months.
November 21st, 2011
@jasonbarnette Tutorials...Yay! The Christmas lights one really caught my eye! You are so kind to share your wealth of knowledge with us mere mortals... :)
November 21st, 2011
@minxymissk ...Yup, that's me "meandering my way through the project." I would love to be disciplined enough or have time enough (or what ever) to have a plan for the next 40 photos, but I am having a hard time right now coming up with a photo a day, (and I should be doing 3-a-day) so I am sure I will just continue to meander my way through the next 40 days... :)
November 22nd, 2011
I like Marilyn's @marilyn take on the rest of her project. I feel my entire project has been a meander, much like a stream gathering force the further from the start. I look at some of my photos in January and there's no way I'd post many of them today.

It's a progression. I think themes, or something similar to that will be what I attempt in my second year.
November 22nd, 2011
40 more pictures? Almost there! No plans and no bucket list for the home stretch because I haven't yet done so ever this year. Will continue to the end, just having my camera with me and keeping my eyes for that moment to capture. Wonder what that will be?
November 22nd, 2011
@marilyn You are very welcome. I could do one outdoor lights photo, one interior, one of a Christmas tree, one of gifts under a tree, any suggestions for the other three days? I guess I'd have to wait until two weeks before Christmas cause I won't have any gifts wrapped til then haha!
November 22nd, 2011
@jasonbarnette Hmmm, Maybe Christmas at the Mall... Santa photo sessions, miles of lines... you know, all the worst things about Christmas. :) Maybe some of your favorite home holiday decorations. Maybe Christmas carolers... if there are any in your area. :) Or an outdoor Christmas display. Or a Tree of Sharing set up somewhere. I'll be loking forward to seeing your Holiday week and getting some tips on getting good shots of Christmas lights.
November 26th, 2011
What happens to my project when Ive reached 365? can I continue...does it get deleted? do I start over? Im feeling sad about reaching the end soon. pathetic eh.
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