A Grand Day Out in Leeds

November 24th, 2011
So, it's getting close to Christmas and that seems like a good reason for another 365 get-together! To that effect I'm calling a 365 meet-up on Saturday December 3rd in the wonderful city of Leeds (UK!) and absolutely everyone is invited...

OK, more specifically I'm thinking people with an LS postcode might be interested. Already on board are @fueast and @gords

I'm hoping we'll also have @sleepdozer57 @rach57 @blightygal @kate_shoes @katel @walkerluce @popcorn @bowser_jr @willthebest @starfish as I know they all live in or around Leeds. @naomi I think you might be in Leeds too, if you fancy coming down? Also I know that out-of-towners @sparkle and @9gpie (if he's allowed out for the day!) may be up for it.

My suggestion is we meet outside the Corn Exchange at 12 noon, take a good look inside and out, then meander through Leeds City Market, getting snaps and possibly cheap wrapping paper. Then haul ourselves up through town towards the German Market for schnapps rather than snaps. Then things can take their own course as the evening progresses, I know a couple of people have mentioned that The Beat are playing in Leeds in the evening..anyway, best to wait and see who's coming first. Also any alternative suggestions welcome.

November 24th, 2011
I'm in. And I've got my ticket for the Beat. Tickets can be ordered online at Jumbo records - and then we can pick them up on the day from the shop.
So are you ready?
November 24th, 2011
That sounds amazing! I a an LS postcode and would be in...but I work Saturdays :(
November 24th, 2011
Sounds good - possibly some Leeds vintage pub interiors after the German market?
Count me in..
November 24th, 2011
@rich57 Mummy and I will come. Will Mia and Jack be there?
November 25th, 2011
i'll be there...
November 25th, 2011
Hey what about us southerners, is there anyone out there willing to be the host to a meet in good ol London Town...............................
November 25th, 2011
@willthebest Yeah they'll be along too.
November 25th, 2011
@rich57 @sparkle @gords @fueast ..i have a quadruple booking clash that day and eve... will see what happen, playing/winging it by ears..
November 25th, 2011
Oooh I want to come - but can't .... do another one later!
November 26th, 2011
i would have loved to come over next sat but thats when i'm doing a market stall all that day. but hope you all have lots of fun! x
November 26th, 2011
@rich57 Hope to be there! Just back from househunting in London, sorry for delay :-)
November 30th, 2011
i'll be there!! my train will arrive at 12.02pm Leeds Central Time. How far's t'corn exchange from station?
December 3rd, 2011
@rich57 Sorry Rich, wont be making it today.. Have a great time and am keeping my fingers crossed it stays sunny for ya!
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