When do you title a photo

December 1st, 2011
I saw this while I was doing some work on my windows for winter. I told my wife I already had a title for it. There are other titles I could have used but this was the first one I thought of. I am curious to know when others do the title process. Is it automatic before the shot, or a thought of many and have to choose from one of them? OH, title for this one is =This is my rock=

December 1st, 2011
@rrt I often run with my first instinct after reviewing/editing photo's and titles come to me or when stumped then I try to come up with creative titles that tie into the mood of the shot
December 1st, 2011
It depends, sometimes it's obvious straight away what to call it, sometimes nothing springs to mind so I go with a basic title (eg "Bus-Stop"), sometimes I've had a title in my head for days or weeks just waiting for the picture to come along. Mostly I'll use a song title if there's something appropriate just cos I like to. And occasionally someone else will comment and suggest (directly or indirectly) a better title and I'll edit it thus.
December 1st, 2011
@loztsoul @rich57 thank you, I kanda like the idea of having a title beforehand and then trying to fit a photo to it
December 1st, 2011
@rrt fitting a photo to a title is similar to what is called concept photography. I am in a photographic design class right now where that is what most of the shooting assignments are - you are given a very broad topic and you must produce images that cohere together to fit the theme. I wonder if you could take "this is my rock" and make a set of images to fit for your portfolio? :)
December 1st, 2011
For me, I've never thought of a title beforehand. That always seems to be one of the more difficult parts of the process for me.
December 1st, 2011
I have thought of a theme or a title beforehand and then tried to shoot that, and it seems like it never works, or that I'm never happy with the result. Always feels forced. So, generally, I let the first thing that pops into my head be the title. When I'm uploading to Flickr or even here, I sort of let the picture tell me what it's name should be. :)
December 1st, 2011
When i can think of something creative or if i cant think of anything i just put what i see :)
December 1st, 2011
sometimes i come up with a really good title as i'm posting on 365 but most of the time, i just say, "flower" if it's a flower (for example) because i can't come up with anything better. :)
December 1st, 2011
Photo first - title second - quote third. I can't imagine mixing that sequence up :) I love to play with words so the titles usually come while on the way back to the car, on the way home - or walking up to the front door.
December 1st, 2011
Great question! A few times I've had a title/theme in my head that I want to shoot. Mainly they have something to do with how I am feeling on the day and how I want to express that in a photo.
Most of the time I see a scene and a title/sentence pops into my head. And then I still end up stewing over the right title hours later ;-)
December 1st, 2011
When I choose a photo, I look for a "theme" or subject. I then name it in Turkish with the English translation after. Soooo, someone might be able to learn some vocab or short phrases from my pics ;).
December 1st, 2011
For me the title comes after the photo was taken. Sometimes right after I see it, sometimes only after editing. And sometimes I'm just stuck with a title, even when I like the photo a lot.
December 1st, 2011
My titles usually come to me as I'm shooting.
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