Beginner Looking for Advice, Projects, etc.

June 18th, 2010
I started this a few days ago, and I really want to stick with this project. I want to use this project as an excuse to have my camera on me at all times, but more importantly as a tool to improve my photography skills. I am using a Nikon D40, which I realize isn't the greatest of cameras, but I would like to think that a large portion of the creativity on this site is the person not the camera so I don't mind. I guess I am just looking for good tutorial sites, advice, simple projects to start on, or really anything to get me started. There is so much information and so many outstanding ideas and creativity that coming from so many passionate people that I feel lost in a way. Almost like I am psyching myself out into thinking maybe this is a little much for me. But I want to do this, I just don't know where to start.

Edit: or even Important Equipment for Beginners that I just don't have. Camera Equipment, computer software, and things like that.
I have a Nikon D40 Body a 18-55mm lens and a 55-200
June 18th, 2010
Well, you've got a decent pair of lenses - that covers most ranges you'd be wanting to work with and if you ever did wanna go down the macro route you can buy extension tubes for that ^^ And hey, there's people on here with iPhones and Cybershots so I'm sure you'll manage fine! Definitely take your camera everywhere - I totally regret it when I don't have it on me, photo opportunities present themselves everywhere, from rusty fences to dropped satsuma peel, you never know when one will crop up! Once you get started your eyes will open up to photo ops all over the place ^^

If you trawl around on here a bit, there's threads here and there with ideas and articles about techniques and so on. In the themes section there's a weekly theme comp thingy that you can take part in, and if you're really stuck for ideas just do random silly things. I made a smiley face out of jelly beans a few weeks back when I was stuck for an idea!

Good luck, go to town!
June 18th, 2010
contribute to the themes as they give a great starting point to your photos, think of your own personal themes or objects to photograph that can last over a couple of photos, and if you see a picture of a photo you like that somebody took, click on the 'more details' button to find out what settings they used and try using some of the settings next time you take a photo! and have fun with it!!! :)
June 18th, 2010
Yes the weekly themes are a good way to get inspired. Also, check out other peoples work for ideas. I've had a few ideas sparked from someone elses work. I think your camera is just fine. I shoot with a Nikon D50 I've had for years. I can't really point you to any great articles or things like that but like Marianne said you will find some on this site if you look around.

My 2 tips or suggestions would be:

1. Don't over think a shot or second guess that first instinct that makes your hand grab the camera and start to lift. Just shoot! You can always delete later but you might not be able to capture the lost moment again if you don't grab it then.

2. Try your own themes. Maybe write out on some strips of paper different theme ideas and at the beginning of the week draw one out of the bag/cup/hat. Focus on getting as creative with the theme as you can. You can also randomly open a dictionary, point to a word blindly and use the word and it's definition to inspire you for the day or week.

Just have fun :)
June 18th, 2010
The D40 is fine - look up Ken Rockwell and his opinion on D40 if you don't want to take my word for it! I would say just start snapping away and get to know your camera and its settings. Learn about aperture and shutter speed. but yes, you're right, it's a lot more about the person than it is the camera.
June 18th, 2010
Thank you all for the advice I really appreciate it.
June 18th, 2010
I'm working with a 7.2 megapixel Sony CyberShot, and I'd like to think that some of my pictures are good, so I don't really put much stock into the camera being everything. I found that the weekly themes are good to keep you going if you can't find any inspiration of your own. You can look through submitted theme pictures to get some ideas as to what you could do, and go find your best shot.
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