Question, Possibly A New User Tool

January 2nd, 2012
I've been a member for a year and a half, and I follow a fair amount of individuals. I enjoy following new members and giving them feedback too. Whenever I follow someone, I always comment on their photos daily, it's just something I feel I need to do. I know that puts a lot of pressure on me to do this every day, and it is very time consuming, but that is just how I am. Because of the amount of time it takes to keep up with it all, every so often I will go through my list of "friends" to see if there are individuals who show little or no activity on my postings, and then I perform a little housecleaning of those inactive individuals. It is nothing personal, and I understand that their interest may be in another style of photos, and that is fine. That is what this project is about, but it does require a lot of time on my part to be giving daily feedback to individuals who show no activity on my postings. There are some who I still follow even though they do not post regualrly on my photos, mauinly because I enjoy their style. It would be helpful if there was some kind of search engine that we could use to type in a user's name to search and see if they are showing activity on your postings. Right now it requires going back through individual photos to search for comments. I know there was another tool developed some time ago to search out "inactivity" but this would be something a little more specific, more fine tuned to your postings, if it can be done. Just wondering.
January 2nd, 2012
I can see how this would be useful.
January 2nd, 2012
That sounds like a great idea Rick. I am the same as you. If I follow someone, I commit to commenting on their shots. But I am finding that a lot of people who've asked for followers that I follow do not follow and comment back as thoroughly as I do. This would be definitely be helpful in weeding that type of inactivity out so that I could find others who really do want to comment and follow on a deeper level. Good suggestion!
January 2nd, 2012
Rick try this out,

, its not attached to 365 per say , but awhile ago one of our wonderful members posted this for us all to use..
January 2nd, 2012
@nikkers Dang it, you beat me to it!
January 2nd, 2012
I scanned my account using this tool. I have over half of my followers who have dead accounts. Some I click on and they are no longer available. It misleads people to think that I have all of these followers when they are really not following me. I just wish that these accounts could be removed. In some ways it makes a certain amount of sense to create a new account after awhile, but I also don't want to pay to keep two accounts running.
January 2nd, 2012
@shadesofgrey .. dang it?? how old are you?? I was going to say 12, but then I know 12 yr olds that have a better vulgarity vocabulary than me... lol
January 2nd, 2012
@shadesofgrey Your "vulgarity vocabulary" just stepped you up a notch for me! ;~}
January 2nd, 2012
@nikkers that is a great tool, but.... i noticed a person that just joined that is following me is listed as a zombie. if ya go thru to remove the dead wood, make sure it is not a glitch or a new person with out a lot of activity yet.
January 2nd, 2012
@digitalrn - well said and that would be a great tool. The one id'd above is a litle different than what you're suggesting. I function just as you do - I put in what for me is a lot of time every day commenting and so I need to keep the people I follow to a number I can handle. So from time to time I weed out people who don't reciprocate unless in my mind I took them on just because I think their work is fantastic - and not really expecting any interaction because they have zillions of followers. If I weed out those who don't reciprocate I'm able to actively take on new people whose work interests me and try to make thoughtful comments. A tool to ID those friends/followers who are active on 365 but don't have time or interest to comment on my postings would be handy.
January 2nd, 2012
@nikkers just keeping the public areas family friendly....

@grammyn haha, thanks!
January 2nd, 2012
@cchambers Good point. I try to give them a month, maybe two before I un-follow. It is a good idea to double check their album though, too!
January 2nd, 2012
@shadesofgrey . aww you softie.. lol :)
January 2nd, 2012
I don't necessarily agree with this. There are certain people whom I follow who don't follow me back - or, who do follow me back, but don't often comment on my photos. But this doesn't really bother me.

365 is about photography. Right? I follow people whose photographs I like. But those people might not like my photographs, and they shouldn't feel any obligation to follow me, purely because I followed them. Likewise, I don't feel I should be pressured into following people I don't want to, just because they have followed me.

To go through your list unfollowing people just because they're not commenting on your pictures seems a little petty to me. It could also mean that you're missing out on some wonderful photography, because you unfollowed perfectly good photographers for no good reason.

I understand the feeling that commenting on lots of people's pictures takes a lot of time. That's why I follow relatively few people - but they are all people whose pictures I enjoy seeing, and whose photography I like and admire. But that really just links back to my original point: there should be no obligations on 365.

You can choose to follow as many or as few people as you like. And of those people, you can choose to comment on as many or as few of their photos as you want to. And of course, you can follow or unfollow based on any reasons you see fit. I just thought I'd put my point of view forward.
January 2nd, 2012
@cchambers My guess (as the guy that wrote that tool) is that this new person it identified as a zombie hasn't posted any photos yet? No photos = it can't determine when they were last active, so presumes they aren't :)
January 2nd, 2012
Also @manek43509 ++, when I did it I just followed people I liked, didn't care if they liked my stuff back, that's a bit... false
January 2nd, 2012
January 2nd, 2012
@nikkers @shadesofgrey I've used this tool before. This is the one i referred to before, but it doesn't get specific. You still need to go through your list, at least if I'm thinking correctly.
January 2nd, 2012
@manek43509 Kit, I agree with you. There are some who I follow because I admire their work, and they provide some great motivation, in spite of not commenting back. I like to encourage new members into becoming active in this project by following them, especially if they have followed me for awhile, out of courtesy, not necessarily out of obligation. One thing I have noticed is that there are many who provide no profile information at all, and though I have followed some of them in the past, I am less likely now to follow individuals who provide no information. I think it is so much more inviting to know at least a little about the person who is coming on board. And going through the list of people and "unfollowing" may seem petty to some, but to me it's about time. That is why I stressed in my opening comment, it is not meant to be personal, though I know some may take it as such. They may have other interests, and I am ok with that. If their work is something I truly admire, and I can draw inspiration from it, I will continue to follow regardless. I always want to give new members an opportunity to share their work and to be a "part" of this community, and by being an active participant, I think you will get the most out of it. It is not always just about the photos. Many of us have learned that this project has provided some special relationships, a nice conmnection with others all over the world. I think it's a great place to be. I appreciate your input.
January 2nd, 2012
@digitalrn WOW!!!!!!!!!!! now knowing it was you that created it i must say - that is an Awesome tool!
January 2nd, 2012
Must be a new year thing. I spent the morning going thru my list of following and deleting those who havent posted since fall or prior. I found many were short timers and many were students. Probably taking great photos but not active here anymore.
January 2nd, 2012
@cchambers Chris, I did not create that tool, trust me, I am not that well versed when it comes to computers, LOL. There are others on here that had that honor, and it was an awesome tool, and I used it a few times. No, that credit goes to another.
January 2nd, 2012
I completely understand where you're coming from. Of course, it's entirely up to you how you use the project, and each member has to work out for his or herself what criteria to use for following or unfollowing.

I agree with your point about the profile information. Knowing a little bit about who someone is can give their photographs a certain context which can make all the difference.

For what it's worth, I had a look through some of your more recent photos, and really liked them. :)

It was @eyebrows who created that script. ;)
January 2nd, 2012
@manek43509 Thanks Kit. I couldn't remember who it was that created that tool. I figure if anyone could come up with a new tool he could. He seems to be a whiz at these computer things.
January 2nd, 2012
Doh! My mistake... Mad props to @eyebrows for creating it :)
January 2nd, 2012
@cchambers hehe thanks braheem :) and thanks @manek43509 !
January 2nd, 2012
I do indeed @digitalrn need to get out more :)
January 3rd, 2012
@digitalrn There is a button below the results that says view your zombie followee's ( you know the people you follow) click that. Each name in the list is a link to their profile, if you click on them.
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