need a challenge?

March 27th, 2012
my photo-mojo was fading, so i asked my sister @sharonthompson for a challenge. she got all the creative genes, and she came through with the goods. care to join me?

photo ideas:
* horses patoot (i figure she means rear end...some online dictionaries have other definitions!)
* tickle
* twist
* symphony
* be mine
* sloppy
* a home-body day
* velvet
* beautiful and brown
* squiffy
* mad scientist/clown
* passage of time
* romantic twaddle
* floppy
* one step at a time
* slide
* snoop
* cacophony
* mint
* strength
* a wish
* ice cream
* waiting
* someone who needs a smile
* something you covet
* a bad smell
* blow wind blow
* noses
* a race
* home made
* glittering
* in socks on blocks
* have a bet
* mass produced
* remids me of a red caboose

i will tag as "sisterschallenge". i know she's curious what i'll come up with; i'd love to see what everyone else can do too!

March 27th, 2012
Interesting prompts, there's another film challenge running in April so I will be shooting film but I might check back on the daily challenge to get ideas.
March 27th, 2012
sounds interesting :)
March 30th, 2012
April 29th, 2012
I got all the creative genes? Sorry, I'll have to go se if I can find them, didn't realise I had them.
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