Winner - tag challenge #71

April 12th, 2013
Thank you to all of you who voted and helped make this decision. and the winner is michelle(@ridley) for the following picture with the tag and night.

Beautifully shot and a very deserving win. .Congratulations @ridley. Now you get to host the next tag challenge.

April 12th, 2013
Congratulation Michelle @ridley
@smithak I like to thank you for picking one of my pictures..when I saw all the votes coming in for number 1 I knew my picture had no chance but it's still nice to know it was of the five selected.
April 12th, 2013
Wo Hoo well done, glad to be your thief in the night this one so much xxx
April 12th, 2013
Well done @ridley. Even though my photo was a finalist (a great honour for me!!), I voted for your shot because I think it is a really wonderful shot.
April 12th, 2013
@bruni You are so sweet, but OMG, I loved your purple duck! If I had gotten those words, I wouldn't have been able to even start the challenge! And you not only executed, but did it beautifully!
April 12th, 2013
@joeymc Thank you ! I loved your chocolate bridge. It looked like an ad for a high end company!
April 12th, 2013
@huvesaker Aw, Boo, you were one of my first 365 friends (maybe THE first!) and have stuck with me thru thick and thin. You are so kind!
April 12th, 2013
@ridley Awwww I made a friend! YIPPEEEEEEEE this was THE BEST SHOT..Loved it. More, more moreeeeeee
April 12th, 2013
Wow, thank you so much to everyone who looked at my photo, voted and commented. I'm so thrilled you liked my capture of my little slice of heaven here on earth. The encouragement here on this site is absolutely incredible -- what a wonderful forum for those of us with personal goals that we need a little help achieving!

I have to encourage anyone who hasn't participated in a challenge to do so. While I am absolutely tickled pink to win this one, the really important thing I've gotten out of these challenges is that it takes me out of my comfort zone and makes me do something new and different. It sounds trite to say, but everyone who participates in these things wins in that way.

@smithak Smitha, thanks for running this and all the work I know you had to do on this!

I will get myself organized and start the next challenge pretty darn soon. Again, what a wonderful community and thank you for letting me be a part of it!

April 12th, 2013
Congrats Michelle! Beautiful image.
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