EOTB 36 - find beauty everywhere

July 9th, 2014
Thanks to all of those of you who took part in and voted on EOTB35. And thank you to @mzzhope Hope for hosting. I am honored that of all of the beautiful entries,"Standing in pieces" was voted the winner.This is a wonderful challenge and I am thrilled to host it.I encourage everyone who is reading this to participate!

In the words of the challenge's founder, Jeff Walker, this is how it works:

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

For those of you that don't want to commit to a specific set of words for a month, are intimidated by the thought of being pushed by another 365'er, don't want to be constrained to a specific mundane object, aren't feeling the week's theme, feel you don't have the creativity, time or tools for album and wwyd challenges but still want to face down and conquer a challenge, I have just the challenge for YOU!

(Also, if you enjoy facing all the above challenges and can't get enough of challenges and want to add another challenge to your arsenal, this is for YOU as well!)

Here's the lowdown (and its fairly simple):

Your challenge is to find something most people would not consider to be beautiful, and find a way to capture it that IS beautiful, You can achieve it any way you desire. This challenge will help you with your composition and lighting skills. The way you compose the shot or the way you use light will usually be the way you bring out the beauty. It will also help you look at your surroundings differently. Everything is potentially a beautiful photograph. Its not a matter of finding something to photograph, its a matter of finding a way to photograph something that makes photographing it worthwhile.

**There is not specific item you have to photograph for this challenge. And the only rule is that the subject you photograph has to be something that, if people were watching you photograph it, would be wondering what has possessed you to photograph something so plain, bland, boring, ugly etc. Beauty is where you find it, and it is all around you. Train your eye to see things differently.**

Challenge time frame:

Challenge starts Wednesday July 9th and ends Friday July 18th.

The five finalists will be announced on Saturday July 19th.

Voting will be until Monday July 21st. The winner will be announced shortly thereafter.

Tag your entries EOTB36 You can see current entries at http://365project.org/tags/eotb36

Multiple entries are accepted but remember all images must be taken and submitted within the specified time frame.

You are also welcome to copy your entries to this thread, where I am sure they will be admired and will also inspire others.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your EOTB images.
July 9th, 2014
So glad I get to play this week! Congrats Kiran! Your door series really rocked this week!
July 9th, 2014
@mzzhope Hope, thanks! I know, I didn't expect it at all. I'm glad that you could play, too. Looking forward to your entries. Your ETSOOI entries rocked, btw.
July 9th, 2014
I'm not sure if this kind of counts for the challenge...

July 9th, 2014
@kazimbo It sure does. You made this? If you can write a bit about your vision, that would be great.
July 9th, 2014
@ikamera Yeah it's mine. Well it's kind of anti-smoking based you know like a cigar graveyard. Because every smoked Cigarette is like another nail in your coffin.
July 9th, 2014
@kazimbo Fantastic. Very meaningful now that you explained it. I looked over your pictures and they are very interesting to look at. I highly encourage you to share few lines about the pictures because they are unique and just like the above picture the viewer may not completely get what your intention was by just looking at the picture. Thanks for your entry. Off to comment on some of yours that caught my attention. :-)
July 10th, 2014
@kazimbo I would have to agree that you should say a little something. I too have looked at your photos (now following) and they are very thought provoking. Beautifully done in most cases! By saying a few words you are able to express yourself and share your unique vision that much more :-)
July 10th, 2014
And does this one count? I could have more than one photo in the contest right?

July 11th, 2014
@kazimbo you can enter as many times as you like. This one is great as a technique however for EOTB you need to find a bit more grungy, moldy, rusty, or generally something people would not photograph usually. Check out entries for previous challenges for examples.
July 16th, 2014
Okay I know it's not really rusty but it's kind of stuff I don't think of photographing very often and they give a lot of people the creeps ( surgical stuff ). So dunno you guys be the judge if it fits for the challenge, if not sorry for spamming so much :)

July 17th, 2014
@ikamera Kiran how about this photo of a metal wire for the EOTB challenge? :)
July 17th, 2014
@lambda metal wire's great ! But what's behind the wire? Eeeeek. Lol. It wouldn't have been an eotb pic if you had focused on the lizard(?) in the back. :-)
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