August 5th, 2014
Thank you to all who voted for this challenging theme. As far as I am concerned everyone who attempted this challenge is a winner. However, I am pleased to announce that Wendy Bowden, @wenbow has the numbers. Congratulations Wendy and all the best with hosting the next abstract challenge.
Mannie @mbemis has won the mundane camera challenge and she is to decide the subject for the next mundane/abstract challenge. So keep your eyes peeled on the Latest Topics column, and sharpen up your creativity for Wendy to have a good run.

August 5th, 2014
excellent choice!! love this
August 5th, 2014
@wenbow well done I love this
August 5th, 2014
@brigette Thank you for your entry, Brigette. I remember lingering over the look of that old camera and the way you highlighted the various circular elements. I guess there is a story around the camera itself.
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