**NEW** Is It Over Yet (Round 3) - Shopping!

November 30th, 2014
Well, I seem to have won the 2nd "Is It Over Yet" challenge and am very excited about that and about hosting the next one.

Thanks to Jane Anderson @cejaanderson for hosting the last one. This is the third round of a new contest begun by Jane @g4gg. The themes are something that you wish were over, so the tag is the acronym IIOY for “Is it over yet?” Themes so far: "rain," and "work."

I was thinking about what the next theme could be, and based on the time of year, shopping seems to be something we all do - whether for food, gifts, clothes etc. Sometimes we enjoy it and sometimes its just something that has to be done. I often think to myself "Is is over yet?" especially when shopping for groceries.

So the theme for this round will be: Is It Over Yet - Shopping!

Dates: starts Monday 1st December and runs until 8th December.
Tag your shots with: iioy3s
Voting will take place 9th to 10th December and the winner will be announced before I go away.

Sorry the dates are tight but I'm off on long year end break on 12th December, so I really need to finish this off before I go away.
December 1st, 2014
@dibzgreasley Great challenge! :)
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