Toys on 365 - Toys in the Kitchen

December 8th, 2014
Well, aren't you all exhausted after that week of shopping marathon? We know how you feel, because shopping for us toys are rather taxing, too! And everywhere you look, there are toys! toys! toys!

But..we are very much elated that we got to play shopping with so many of you. The old adage "The more, the merrier!" is simply true, especially when it is about having a lot of fun. You made us laugh, you made us smile and we're glad we did the same to you. And oh, boy! oh, boy! We were so excited that we were given a nod by a get-pushed challenger this week as one of our friends was challenged to participate in our shopping expeditions.

So, shout outs this week go to

Peppa Pig (good on you for keeping Miss Rita's shopping expenses in check!) @barneyone

Master Photog Bear who shopped for chocolates toting around his camera around no less! (say, you having any of those Lindt chocolates?) @salza

and the two Rosies got in on the act, too:
Bears at afternoon tea @rosiekind

and this ammo cutie pie named Fluffy @rosiekerr

After all that shopping, we are now going to relax at home. Well, not really. Because this week, the toys are doing kitchen duties! That's right, folks, we're going to be cooking, baking, grilling, you name it, or whatever else you do in the kitchen. Show us what you will be doing in the kitchen if your human alter egos let you?

Tag your posts "365TOYS-INTHEKITCHEN" to share with us your fun!

We are toys! We are fun!
December 8th, 2014
Yay, toys in the kitchen, cannot wait to see what our toys do this week. Great selection of shots from 365ers who came out to play with us. Here's hoping that folk have some fun with this, this week.
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