Eating Disorder Awareness week

February 10th, 2011
I know this is long, so if you don't want to read it all, please skip to the "EDITS" at the bottom! (:

Some of you may know that during the last week of February, it is National Eating Disorder Awareness week (for the UK it's the end of Feb anyway, i assume it's the same everywhere?)

Anyway, as my followers know, i have battled an ED (eating disorder) since i was about 12 (i'm now 20). And last year i decided to make the big step to try recovery. Since then i've come a long way ( i think!) and have had a lot of support from the right professionals (aswell as some wonderful people i've met on here).

So basically, i just wanted to make everyone aware that this week is coming up, because it really means a lot to me that people understand the true reasons behind eating disorders - and not just simply think; "oh just get them to eat something and they'll be fine" etc.

I'm quite paranoid about posting this, because although i've documented it throughout my 365 project, i've still tried to keep it 'low key', as my family / friends DON'T know about it. But as i said, the cause means a lot to me, and if i can help raise even a little bit of awareness then that's great!

I'll get to the point.. i don't know if it's already been discussed, but i thought that we could post pictures raising awareness for this cause, and maybe even do a competition of some sort? i'm not really good with coming up with ideas, so someone might wanna help out a little - i just wanted to get the thought out there (:

And once again, i want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone that has been here for me during this tough time xxx

EDIT: I was thinking we could tag any photo's as NEDAW (national eating disorders awareness week).. or would just ED-awareness or something like that be easier? (:

DOUBLE EDIT ;) : My boyfriend just suggested that i contact B-EAT (eating disorder recovery thingy) and see whether they will come in on this competition - I'm going to email them tonight or tomorrow, and ask them whether the winner of this competition (voted by this community) can have their winning photo posted on their official website, to help raise awareness ----- what do you all think??? (:
February 10th, 2011
I'm going to be posting ED related/awareness photos for that week fo'sho. :) I got yo back. :p
February 10th, 2011
Abso-freakin'-lutely. I'll try something out for ED awareness week. And, don't worry... You'll find lots of support here. :)
February 10th, 2011
I'm definitely in!! I realize after getting to know you that it really has very little to do with food. I'm just throwing this out there for ideas. Pictures of relationships that mean a lot to us? Something that represents a situation that changed our life? It might have to be one photo for the week, cause it would be tough!!
February 10th, 2011
P.S. I am so incredibly proud of you!!
February 10th, 2011
P.S.S. I know, oh my God!! Is there a ribbon color that represents Eating Disorder Awareness? If there is, maybe you could figure out a way to work that in to this project?
February 10th, 2011
@petersonsheri Purple :]

And I'm in...if I remember xD I have battled an ED for abouttt 3/4 years and I have a number of friends with issues surrounding food as well. It still shocks me how unaware people are!

February 10th, 2011
@emileigh ; hehe, i love you emi!

@itszaiii ; thank you! i have found some amazing support here (: i've been trying to think of ideas for this for ages, but i can't think of any >.< lol

@petersonsheri ; i have nothing to say to you apart from.. I LOVE YOU ;D and i couldn't have gotten through the last few months without you, mom!

@naomi ; haha, i'm sure you'll remember! xx
February 10th, 2011
I'm not terribly creative either so can't help you out with ideas but I think its a great idea and will participate if I can. Good on you for putting this out there Laura.
@petersonsheri - there are various causes that have a purple ribbon. For eating disorders its periwinkle (lavender).
February 10th, 2011
@kjarn @naomi Thank you girls!

@raralauz-- so if there is a special color that represents this cause, maybe you can think of a way to use that. Periwinkle is very pretty. Time to brainstorm! ILY13?
February 10th, 2011
I'm in! I'll most definitely post something for the cause. Great idea Laura! And although I don't know you personally, I'm proud of you! You must be a very strong and courageous person. =)
February 10th, 2011
Good on you for being so brave and thoughtful. :) Bringing awareness is a wonderful thing, and helps others to get help. Even just posting this is a great thing!
February 10th, 2011
i'll definately join in (: it's a great idea!!! how about, so we can have all the pics in one place, we tag them 'EDawareness-comp'??
February 10th, 2011
@kjarn ; thank you (:

@bethanyjay @laceyjogautreau ; thank you both (:

@stationary315 ; i just added a little bit to the discussion, suggesting the tag NEDAW ... i'm not too sure though lol.
February 11th, 2011
oh! sweet (: sounds good!
February 11th, 2011
Sounds good and will try to contribute something. :)
February 12th, 2011
I'm in!
February 12th, 2011
Hey there , I posted this for your NEDAW , But didnt know what to tag it, hoping it reaches someone! take care
February 12th, 2011
Old picture, but I thought I'd share for this theme:
February 13th, 2011
Here is my entry. I found this quote online and HAD to use it. Thank you @raralauz for posting this thread! I'm so glad you called attention to the week!!

February 15th, 2011
Operationbeautiful :o)

February 21st, 2011
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