New Macro Challenge - Gears

June 30th, 2020
Thank you to Ann LeFevre @Olivetreeann for doing a fantastic job of hosting the macro challenge, and thank you for all your voting, it was a very close race with @farmreporter.

Past subjects included: brushes, bubbles, bugs, buttons, candy, car, Christmas decorations, Christmas table settings, coins, color, crafts, cutlery, drinking straws, Easter, eye, feather, flowers (2x), food, food packaging, fruit, game pieces, glass, hands, herbs/spices, jewelry, key, knobs, leaf, metal, money, motion, motion, music (2x), plumbing, rust, seeds, shells, shoes, stationary, stone, St. Patrick’s Day, textures, time, tools, toys, water drops, wood, cups, personal bathroom, technology, kitchen universe, mundane, guess, nuts, decay, morning and stamps.

Macro shots don’t necessarily have to be taken with a macro lens- any photo that makes small objects look larger than life can be considered a macro.

This round of the macro challenge will run from June 30, 2020 to July17, 2020.
Tag your pictures: macro-gears
Finalists will be selected on the 18th and voting will occur shortly there after.

June 30th, 2020
Sorry,but what’s Gears?🥰
June 30th, 2020
@joemuli here are some samples entered in 365
June 30th, 2020
@adi314 …… was thinking “camera gear”,just wanna make sure,thanks sweety👌💕
July 1st, 2020
@joemuli I guess I could have made it singular and that way it would have applied. Anything goes if you want to do camera gear it will work, :)
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