And they're off! Sports Action 4 is underway

November 10th, 2021
Thanks to Peter @pcoulson for hosting round 3. For those keeping score at home my image was not the winner of the challenge. That honour belongs to @spanner for his brilliant shot of a soccer ball hitting the back of the net just out of the reach of a diving goalkeeper. Spanner asked to be excused from the hosting duties so I am pleased to be able to sub in.

This is a very wide-open category, any sporting activity is eligible, the only rule is that the main subject should be a human actively engaged in a sport of some kind. It need not be a competitive sport so recreational running, cycling, swimming, etc. is also permissible, but simply walking the dog is not,

You won’t have to look hard to find a subject, just go down to your local tennis courts or soccer field. Shoot a jogger in the park or a cyclist almost anywhere. If you live in the frozen North capture kids playing hockey on an outdoor rink or surfing in the sunny Southern hemisphere. There are subjects everywhere so get out there with your cameras and show us people all over the world having fun playing sports.

This challenge will be back dated to November 1st and to give you plenty of time to get your shots it will run until December 15th at midnight in your time zone. Your shots should be taken between those dates. Enter as many as you like but, of course, only one can be selected as a finalist.

Tag your entries: sportsaction4

Current entries can be viewed at:
December 2nd, 2021
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