(Please VOTE) Family Bridge Off

March 9th, 2011
Last weke we had the familt "Bird off" and I was well and truely beaten by my Brother in Law. He got to choose the next subject and he chose Bridges.

I feel that he had a distenct advantage in this topic due to where he lived and therefore had an unfair advantage. So if I get half of the votes he does I will declare myself the winner!

is my effort of the Ribblehead Viaduct in the Yorkshire Dales.

is @natsnell's a winner I am sure.

The first person to vote gets to pick our challange for next week to stop Nat picking things that he will definately win with.

March 9th, 2011
@mrgtrueman A vote for Ribblehead!

Am I the first? Tell me if you want a subject for next time :-)
March 9th, 2011
I vote for Graham's Viaduct, its a stunning photo, I like how the viaduct stands out and the composition is great with the inclusion of the wall and tree.
March 9th, 2011
@ellida You are the first Graham. Please post your subject in this thread and Nat and I will do our best to do it justice.

Thanks for the vote!
March 9th, 2011
I'm voting for the Ribblehead Viaduct - well done
March 9th, 2011
I have to go for Nat's bridge.
March 9th, 2011
I love Nat's lighting and colouring, but I have to go with the Ribblehead Viaduct for it's awesome construction and great shooting angle showing off this feat of engineering :o)
March 9th, 2011
i vote for the Ribblehead Viaduct. love the view
March 9th, 2011
OK... here goes ...I can hear you groaning already ...the theme is "A door with character" And may the best man win.
March 9th, 2011
Oooo a tough one as they are both fantastic photos. OK I'm going for Nat's bridge.
March 9th, 2011
I vote for the first bridge :)
March 9th, 2011
@ellida I like that idea! I think a neutral perspective for new projects is essential.
March 9th, 2011
The second one.
March 9th, 2011
Both are fabulous photos. I'm calling it a tie...a vote for each. :) Love Graham's pick for your next family competition. I'll save my vote for the door shot.
March 9th, 2011
nat's bridge sorry
March 9th, 2011
Again, they are both SO different! It is hard to decide which is "better"... I'm going for Nat's though. Mostly because of the lighting and the reflection of the water. Both are absolutely wonderful though!!
March 9th, 2011
Wow this is a hard one guys! They are both fantastic with great compostion. The angle on the top is perfect because it draws you into the picture but the color and reflectin on the second one are stunning. It almost looks like a cello on it's side. I am not sure I can pick one over the other on this one!!
March 9th, 2011
I would declare a tie! They are both fabulous shots! Can't wait for the "doors with character" challenge - I love photographing doors!
March 9th, 2011
I gotta vote Nat on this one. I love the composition and the great reflections. And anyway Graham, I voted for yours last time ;) I'm all about spreading the love.
March 9th, 2011
Can I vote for both? Ahhh probably not. So I will go with Nat's b/c I love the bright colors.
March 9th, 2011
they're both beautiful but I'd have to go with the second one. sorry Graham.
March 9th, 2011
Both are really, really beautiful, but I have to vote for the second one, which has the most amazing colours and reflections. SOrry!
March 9th, 2011
Wow, tough choice. These are both beautiful. I'm going to have to go for Ribblehead though. Very pleasing to the eye, those arches.
March 9th, 2011
nat's bridge - just lovely colours
March 9th, 2011
both equally fantastic...but i have to go with Nat
March 9th, 2011
Yes, both great shots, but I am going with Nat's bridge. It is tough for me to compare them, though, because his has shinies, and sparklies, and pretty lights. I say next time both during the day, or both during the night would make it easier to decide! :D
March 9th, 2011
Nat, though both are stunning
March 9th, 2011
The second one!
March 9th, 2011
I like the feel of the first one - it's just amazing.
March 9th, 2011
Ribblehead Viaduct is my favorite. i like the feeling i get from the pic better, though both are good.
March 9th, 2011
In reviewing your photos, I will pretend I am the President of the Ajax Jigsaw Puzzle. My job is to select which will make a top selling puzzle, which gives both your photos an even review process over just what I would hang in my house.

#1 shows a magnificent older structure, has layers of texture, has shadow and depth in the sky. I think it may show too much in the background though.

#2 shows a modern bridge with color, intnesity and a bright reflection, but is too traditional in layout by having the horizon be in the exact center.

So in reviewing the puzzle committee, I think #1 is the winner, because there is more interest going on and will have a chance of being complete. The second one has just too much black in it for my puzzle review.
March 9th, 2011
Nat's lighting and reflection are spectacular- I'm gonna have to go with bridge #2
March 9th, 2011
@ellida @juliehill @kjarn @sparkle @beruangkecil @coolgirlsar @selardore @phenakistoscope @peggysirk @kebeni @bethanyjay @positronicmommy @tmoore @ashleyjwilson @lislee75 @dvarey @jannaellen @pwallis @kmrtn6 @angievega @laceyjogautreau @mmroberts @jessleeca @pprmntmochamama @jench65 @brumbe

Thank you al for taking the time to comment on our pictures. The votes are very close at the moment which has been a huge suprise to me as I expected @natsnell to dominate.

Thank you all once again.
March 9th, 2011
I think the first one appeals to me more, but then I'm more attracted to natural scenes, so that gets my vote. :-)
March 9th, 2011
Ribblehead gets my vote, it has a great angle, nats photo although a good photo with some great colour just feels a bit flat for me.
March 9th, 2011
@asrai @wormentude @emhoff

Thank you all for voting. Votes are neck a neck at the minute.

Thanks for making our weekly comps so much fun.
March 9th, 2011
I am going to have to vote for the Ribblehead Viaduct.
March 9th, 2011
My vote is:

Ribblehead Viaduct in the Yorkshire Dales

because I like the blend of the old and new.
March 9th, 2011
Two completely different, yet fantastic photos! It's so hard to choose! The first one. No. The second one. Bah! It's a tie (I'm no help)
March 10th, 2011
Nat's. I loved it before I knew it was in a comp.
March 10th, 2011
The first one. I like the bright colours in the second, but I also love anything with a bit of history.
March 11th, 2011
I have to go with the Ribblehead Viaduct - draws my eye in and has the feel that I could just walk right into it and keep on going (but both pictures are amazing).
March 11th, 2011
Ribblehead- I like that you can really see the bridge and it's beautiful architecture and I love the colors and textures.
March 11th, 2011
Congratulations Graham for winning this week, that makes it One all.

I have counted the votes and Nat has 16 - Graham has 17.
I should call that a draw because I also voted for Graham in an attempt to be the first to vote so I could choose the next challenge!

Well I think it's fair to say we gave each other a run for our money on this one.

Thanks to all the judges for taking time to comment on our photos. We are finding this fun as well has learning a lot about what make an appealing photo and hopefully improving our photography skills.

Graham Harcombe (@ellida) was first to vote so got to choose our next challenge.

This week we will mostly be shooting doors to get the best photo of "A door with character"… thanks Graham Harcombe.

Let's make it another close one Graham (@mrgtrueman).
March 12th, 2011
nats.... I like antique bridges this lloks like it could be a roman empire bridge
March 12th, 2011
That's a real toughy. I'll say yours wins just because the light Exposure is better: the whole picture has an even amount of color in it 'cause the light is so good.
March 13th, 2011
I did not see whos was whos, I chose the one on top
March 13th, 2011
2nd one
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