Mix and match with Composite 56

June 11th, 2023
Thanks everyone who played and voted in the last round of the composite challenge... and shout-out to @cocokinetic who tied with me, resulting in a draw from a hat.

But we move ever onwards to the next round which gives us - composite-56

A composite is a combination of images to make a cohesive scene, be it surreal, fantasy, realistic, or fun, to make a statement - anything you wish, or any theme you feel like working on. Please do read the few rules below before entering.

There is no compulsory theme for the challenge but if you're at a loss for where to start, how about using the concept of "dreamscape" as a jumping off point?

Three simple rules:

1/ You may submit as many entries as you wish, but only one photograph per photographer will be short-listed for the voting procedure, which will take place shortly after the end date.

2/ The BASE image MUST be YOUR own. If you use imagery from the internet or elsewhere to complete your composite, be aware of any copyright rules that exist, give credit where necessary, or mention where you downloaded the image from.

3/ Your final composite image needs to be prepared and uploaded between the challenge dates as laid out below:

General guide:

A few links others have provided that you might find interesting or helpful:

A creative tutorial from Adobe using a fish tail. It’s for Photoshop, but you could use any layer-based program for this type of composite work:

Composite image ideas:

How to Create Composite Photography: 12 Creative Ideas:

Begin date: June 1st 2023 (this has been backdated)
End date: June 30th, 2023

Feel free to add a link to your entry in this thread in the box below as it often inspires others and keeps this thread active.

Tag: Please tag your entries: composite-56

You can view all entries for composite-56 here:

Some general 365 composite images here may give you some inspiration 😊:

As always, the main criteria is to have fun!!!!!
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