Album Cover Challenge 146

July 9th, 2023
Thank you for voting for me and being a winner came as a surprise and I nearly missed it as I am going away so am rushing to post this next round.
Not many entries for round I am giving this one a longer time frame so hope you will have a go.

This can be a fun way to get some creativity into your photography and it is really very simple. You can also use old photos and upcycle them for this particular challenge, which is handy if you didn't get a photo you like on a given day.

1. THE BAND: Go to the Wikipedia website’s main page. and choose any of the Featured Articles on the main page for your band/artist/musician.

If any of those featured articles do not appeal to you, you may try this: in the upper left of the Wikipedia logo, click on the the 3 bars and the Main Menu opens. Scroll down and click on "Random Article". The title of the article that comes up will be the name of your band/artist/musician.

2. THE ALBUM: Go to and click on "Random Quotes" from the left menu. Scroll down to the end of the page. The last 4 to 6 words of any of the three last quotes on the page is the title of your album (whichever you think would go with your band or artist).

3. Next, find or take a photo that fits the album and artist(s). The cover can be made up of one single shot or an edit with multiple layers, and so on. There are no limits to processing options. However, please remember that ALBUM COVERS ARE SQUARE so don't forget to crop, or shoot in 1:1 aspect ratio

4. You may use any editing program to create your cover (Photoshop, Gimp, ipiccy, Ribbet, Picmonkey -- there are many other free photo editing programs out there). You can use any image for the album, old or new, but it must use your own photos/images and do all processing for the cover and upload it during the time frame of the challenge.

5. This challenge has evolved quite a bit during its course and lately a brilliant idea was introduce: if editing with software isn’t your thing you could create something manually – e.g. a collage or montage including text cut from a newspaper or magazine – and take a photo of that. Just remember the SQUARE crop.

6. You may submit more than one album cover but only one will be chosen per photographer.

END DATE - August 13
TAG: albumcoverchallenge146

I am away for the closing date, so voting will take place from the 15/16 August hopefully.

You may view entries here:

To keep this discussion alive and current, you may post your album cover in this discussion thread To do so, click on the three dots on the bottom right of your post and then copy and paste the embed code on to the comment box below. Your photo will appear in the discussion once you click on the Post Comment button.

I look forward to seeing your album covers!
July 10th, 2023
Let's try :)

Artist: Rocket Skates (a song by Deftones) (chosen as a random article)
Album: Never Forget Kindnesses
Quote: Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.
Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)
July 10th, 2023
@spanishliz looking forward to seeing what you come up with....thanks for saying you will have a go.
July 10th, 2023
Love this challenge!

Artist: Traffic Analysis Zone (random article)
Album: Destructive Little Things
Quote: "The happiness of most people we know is not ruined by great catastrophes or fatal errors, but by the repetition of slowly destructive little things."-Ernest Dimnet
July 24th, 2023
Artist:- MicroVolts.

Title:- Only give you answers.

Quote:- Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. Pablo Picasso.
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