Only Wild Non-Domestic Animals Outdoors Challenge

August 8th, 2023
Thank you Larry @lsquared for hosting the last Non-Domestic Animals Outside challenge, to all who participated and took part in the voting. I am most surprised, but honoured, to be hosting this the 17th NDAO challenge

The requirements for this challenge are really simple. Take and post a picture of a non-domestic animal outside, within the dates of the challenge. The subject range is really extensive but for the 17th challenge can only include WILD and FREE animals or birds, insects, amphibians, and any more you can think of.

The ONLY rule about your subject is it must be something from the wild animal kingdom - NO domestic pets, animals in captivity in zoos or farms .

Start date- July 31 (backdated to end of last challenge)
End date - 31 August

Please tag your entries NDAO17

You can enter as many images as you wish, but I might only select one entry per photographer for the shortlist.

Link to view entries:

Please also post them, if you wish, in the thread below to keep the post active in the Latest Discussions!

Looking forward to seeing what animals you find; please remember be safe, respectful, and ensure no trespassing to stay legal!
August 9th, 2023
oh wow this challenge has changed now?
I will start entering again, thanks for hosting!
August 9th, 2023
@koalagardens only for this one I'm hosting winner can revert to capture farm/zoo if they wish
Looking forward to a few koalas!!
August 10th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond thanks, good to know.
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