On Camera bounce flash - Lighting & Flash Challenges - lighting-2

August 21st, 2023
On Camera bounce flash - Lighting & Flash Challenges.

The whole idea of these challenges are to learn, practice and grow in your lighting & flash photography skills. The challenges will last approximately 3 – 4 weeks. Since the idea is to learn and grow be prepared to receive constructive suggestions and feedback from other 365 members on your photo(s) regarding the challenge(s).

I highly encourage others to feel free to provide constructive feedback and encouragement regarding the specific subject of the challenge. If you missed any previous challenges feel free to go back and try that challenge and post your picture on that thread.

Challenge 2 – On Camera Speedlight bounce Flash
For this 2nd challenge you will NEED one speedlight flash. We are NOT referring to the flash that may be built into your camera. Below I will add links to some flashes and how they work but if you look on Youtube you will find other flashes and videos that may be helpful. When I first learned how to use a flash I started out with a Yongnuo Flash which was the least expensive. Since then I switched over to Godox. Whichever brand of flash you purchase (if needed) make sure it is a version compatible with your camera.

Flash Tips:
A few things to keep in mind – For this challenge you will want to make sure the flash is set in the master (Green) mode. You can use TTL which is the flash’s “auto” mode or M for Manual. Using the M Manual mode is less complicated than shooting manual in your camera. What ever you choose is fine but I recommend you try using both. For M the main settings you will need to do is set the distance (use the same distance as your lens). If you are using a 50mm lens set the distance for 50 etc. The other main setting is the flash strength which will be 1/1 , ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, 1/24, 1/64, 1/128,. The flash you use may be different but that is what I am use to working with. You may want to play with the different strengths and see what it does to your photo and adjust it UP or DOWN as needed. Also play with moving closer to your subject with the flash and farther away. What do you notice?
If you get a black section across your photo or on half of your photo it is because your shutter speed is too fast for the type of flash you have. Try turning the shutter speed down.

On Camera Bounce Flash Challenge:
For this challenge there will be ONLY 1 light source and that is the flash you attach to your camera. Only use one flash, no other lights and use it on your camera.
This challenge is for inside the house or building. You want a white (or light ceiling or wall). You can’t bounce the flash off the sky or thin air. If you point the flash directly at a person or subject the light is very harsh and if you are using a model it is blinding. If you bounce the flash off a white ceiling or wall it will spread the light and make it much softer because the bigger the light the softer the light.

Exercises to try:
1) Point the flash straight up to the ceiling and bounce the flash from the ceiling. Take a couple shots. Look at how that effects your image. If you are not using TTL try adjusting the flash strength higher or lower and see what you get. Remember 1/1 is the strongest and 1/164 is the weakest. If the image is blown out, or too bright lower the flash. If you can hardly see your subject raise the strength of the flash.
2) Point the flash to a white/light wall and let the flash bounce off of the wall. Shoot the photo and see what you get. Play with different brightness. Try standing directly on the side or slightly in front of the subject. What do you notice?
3) Try aiming the flash behind pointed slightly upwards, or in the upper corner of the room behind you (if it is white or light color
3) If you would like try bouncing the flash off of a white reflector or white board.
If you don’t have a white wall or ceiling try to bounce it off of white foam board. If your walls are yellow, or red or green it will cast a color on the image. If it is dark such as wood paneling it will absorb the light instead of bounce it.
Share your Images on this page. Talk about what you notice. Comment on other photos posted and what you notice. TAG your photo lighting-2 This challenge will be from August 21 – September 18th. Try playing with it several times during that period and share your photos on this page.

TOOLS NEEDED FOR CHALLENGE 3 - Next challenge you will need 1 Speed light, one radio transmitter/remote sensor compatible to your flash, one flash stand, soft box and a grid (optional but helpful).

Here are some links for Challenge 2
Bounce Flash techniques

Speedlight basics:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_GZcZomxtc (Godox)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgm9h155hS4 Yongnuo

Below in the comments I have an example of a photo I took bouncing my flash off the ceiling,

Previous challenge
challenge 1: https://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/48231/lighting-and-flash-photography-1st-challenge-reflectors
August 21st, 2023
This is an example of a photo I took recently bouncing the flash off the ceiling of the room. Without the flash the room was too dark.

August 21st, 2023
August 21st, 2023
I've negotiated use of my husband's camera to get used to it, as it will "speak" to the flash gun by wifi when we go off camera flash.

Thank you for doing all this Kathy.
August 21st, 2023
Your very welcome. As long as we get some participation I don't mind and will try to do the best I can with the time I have.

@30pics4jackiesdiamond great to hear. Are you using that camera for the on-camera bounce flash challenge as well? So happy to see you part of the challenge Jackie!
August 21st, 2023
@myhrhelper I am, so I can learn how to set up the flash, it has all those TTL and M settings!!
August 21st, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond It seems overwhelming at first but you can do it. what type of camera and flash do you have? Some of the links here will help you with the flash basics.
August 21st, 2023
@myhrhelper Pentax camera and flashgun. I'm going to work my way through the links. Thank you again
August 24th, 2023
Thank you Kathy for providing this really useful information. Now to get to work and experiment with what I have. I really appreciate the time that you have invested in this project.
August 24th, 2023
@wakelys Your welcome. As long as we have some participants who are interested I don't mind when I have time. Can't wait to see your photos

August 27th, 2023
@myhrhelper Good suggestion on the Godox flash. I have just gone through the exercise of marrying Godox to Canon. The process was interesting to say the least, but the end result was worth it. If anyone chooses that route I would be happy to help with advice on setting up Canon cameras..
August 28th, 2023
@jnr Great to hear and thank you for offering assistance on setting up Godox to Canon.
August 31st, 2023
Not at all easy, but learnt a lot about the direction to point the flash, now need to perfect the aperture and shutter speed to light my subject better.

Need to click on image to see the gif
August 31st, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Jackie I love, LOVE seeing what you did here. It really shows the different effects depending on where you point the flash. Another thing that could help with adding lighting is increase the ISO. Often for indoor photography when I am using flash I increase the ISO which helps the flash from working so hard. You probably could have increased the ISO to 500 (just a guess without knowing what you shot here) and it would have helped a lot. When shooting flash you will be limited by how fast your shutter speed is or you will get a black shadow across the photo (depending on your camera and the flash you used).
August 31st, 2023
@myhrhelper hi Kathy, thank you so much!
ISO was 400, f/16 and 120sec ( I think) focal length about 38.

We also did a bit of putting a reflective board on opposite side of flash pointing, which had quite an effect.

Learnt a lot doing this, and it seems to be trial and error at first and building on previous settings.

Going to play more
September 1st, 2023
Need to click on image to get the gif. I got a bit tired towards the end of this marathon. But i've learnt that apperture has a bit more effect than shuttter speed- which was probably obvious. 40 degree angle pointing behind camera caused less shadowing. I'm going to stop for now, mainly because i've run out of flash-gun battery power

September 2nd, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Jackie, I love what you are doing here. It was a bit of a challenge trying to read what was on the sign with each photo but a couple suggestions if you don't mind. Usually for these type of photos I typically won't get any narrower than F12 for most portraits. My camera sweet spot is usually between f5.6 - f8 Typically when the f stop is in the f18 - f22 etc. your flash is working harder. I Do think you could have bumped the ISO a little higher. A lot of flash really is playing around to get different effects. If you are up for the challenge see what happens if you put the ISO 500, F8, 1/100 of a second and then see what you get. I absolutely love the hard work you are putting into this.
September 2nd, 2023
@myhrhelper will do. The best position for the flash does appear to be behind, or above, so bounced would you expect thstThank you!
September 2nd, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond the thing to keep in mind if you bounce behind you probably won't get any light on the face, and when doing portraits very often you want the face to be lite (or somewhat lit).
September 2nd, 2023

@myhrhelper My subject for practicing bouncing the flash was this red rose. I have a white, textured 3 metre high ceiling , so bouncing the flash off the ceiling was interesting. I deliberately chose a small aperture to give me depth of field and set the shutter speed to give me the exposure that I wanted for the background. Then, with my flash at 1:1 I felt I needed more light on the rose, so I used a piece of foam core to "lower" the ceiling so that I would get the light I wanted. Flash was on camera for this exercise. And yes, the background colour is the colour of my wall.
September 3rd, 2023
@jnr Very beautifully lit, and it turned out nicely. It is interesting because it really does look like a cutout but you said it is the real wall. I think photographing flowers can be a challenge. Did you bounce it off the foam core?
September 5th, 2023
@myhrhelper I did use the foam core above the flower to bounce the light back onto the flower. When I photograph flowers I usually use a combination of a ring flash to provide the light I want onto the flower and then use a second flash as a fill flash to provide some shadow to provide some depth. I will also shoot the flowers with a faster shutter speed so the background appears black, and adjust the flashes for the light I want. I am hoping to learn enough to improve on this method. I would like to try creating a shadow on the background and a vignette around the entire shot. B&W obviously. Winter rains are coming so I will have indoor time to experiment on still life shots. I've acquired enough equipment over the summer to do this I hope. Now, I just need to be able to convince my wife to spend time posing so that I can experiment on portrait shots.
September 5th, 2023
@jnr awesome, my spouse is my most frequent model. But he is also a photographer. Perhaps having her dress a certain part or look will convince her??
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