Landscape 60 - started

August 22nd, 2023
Many, many thanks to Laura @ljmanning for hosting the last landscape challenge. I was delighted people liked my moody landscape. It was my first visit to Kerosene Gorge, and I can't wait to go back again. Thank you to all who voted and participated!

This challenge is exactly what it says on the tin. Capture a landscape - any landscape - in any way you choose. It can be brilliant colour or black and white, intimate or grand, urban or natural, local or exotic. You may find some inspiration and technique ideas here

The details are:
Tag your entries – landscape-60
Start Date – August 15th 2023 (backdated to the end of the last challenge)
End Date – September 10th 2023

All photos must be taken and posted within this time frame. You can tag as many images as you like, but only one entry per photographer can be shortlisted.

Submitted entries may be viewed here:

If you need additional help there are some useful pointers here Happy shooting!
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