143rd Six Word Story Launched

September 11th, 2023
Thank you Suzanne @ankers70 for the last hosting Six Word Story and to all who entered and took part in the voting.

The Six Word Story challenge is a two-fold creative challenge. You need to use your skills in photography to tell a story and provide a storytelling title that consist of six words. I will be looking for a six-word description/story of your image that is witty, nostalgic, descriptive, whatever you choose. this is my favourite challenge here on 365 and it’s so interesting to see the varied entries in this challenge.

Take a photo and title it with a short story of just six words that describes the image. You can think of the title first and take the photo or take a photo that has a six-word story naturally attached to it.

You can submit as many entries as you like, but I may only select only one of them as a finalist.
There are only two rules for this challenge:

- the photo must be taken within the time frame of the challenge
- the title must consist of six words - no more no less!

Challenge Tag: sixws-143

Start Date: Friday 31st August.
End Date : Thursday 21st September
Your photos must be taken within this time frame.

All entries may be viewed here:
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