SOOC Challenge

July 13th, 2011
I know, there are so many themes and challenges going around this month with bw, selfie Monday, Americana, color, deadly sins and the like. My own boyfriend posed a challenge to me this week and I think I will have to give it a try. He dared me to do a week without editing or over processing my photos. He thinks I lose the feel of the photo a bit with all the extra "non real" things. Now I must interject that he is a surrealist painter so I see this as a funny challenge from him.

So anyway, I am going to try and do only SOOC photos for the next two weeks, with the only exception being noise reduction for iphone landscapes (it really does need a touch for clarity) but no other changes which will include cropping. This should help me focus on getting the photo right the first time and not relying on fixing it later.

Anyone want to participate? I am tagging as SOOCchallenge.
July 13th, 2011
Since I'm going to do the weekly self-portrait with @mimosa, this should prove to be interesting. Not that I'm a big tweaker to begin with. I do crop my shots, so we'll see how this turns out. I'll try and start tomorrow.
July 13th, 2011
I might join next week. I am in a weekly challenge and my photos need to have its color, contrast and lights modified. But give it a try! It's a very good idea
July 13th, 2011
Not a fan of having photos sooc, so I'll give it a miss. Enjoy though :)
July 13th, 2011
hmmmmmm i want to give this a try, cropping is a big deal for me, espcially since i like macro photography and playing with water, but not having my camera wet lol but we shall see how this goes i may however go off topic, but for the next 2 weeks i will post whether it is SOOC or not.
July 13th, 2011
hmmmm.... now if I can just remember to set my camera on black and white, focus on my sins, do a selfie a week and forget to edit Yeah! I think I can... I think I can but I'd better start tomorrow!
July 13th, 2011
My goal was a year of sooc shots, so my main album is purely sooc. I include edits in my others. I won't tag mine, just because it would be any and all, but good luck. It really does help to make a better photographer, in my opinion, since you have to pay more attention to details that can't be edited out later. I'm not opposed to editing, by any means, but I think everyone should try sooc, at least for a bit.
July 13th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle I was only going to do basic edits when I started out but then got so inspired by everyone on this project that I wanted to try so many different things. The first was working around a theme (Flowers in March), then perfecting my macro shots, designing and planning my shots before I ever got my camera out, then play with editing tools. I get so excited by new possibilities, but realized that I was thinking that I could "fix" it or clean it up after I got home. Kind of excited to go back to the basics again and focus on details. I will say that I may have shot this six times and picked the best lighting and angle.
July 13th, 2011
@lilkitty90 I always go off topic in the challenges but with an ace account it keeps me closer on target now. I understand not trying to get the camera wet though.
July 13th, 2011
@aj1268 glad that you are going to try this. It is amazing to look back over the months (ignore January since I was sick when I started and it snowed all the time) to see how I have changed and stayed the same. I think the HDR app and the tiny planets pushed Ed past his point of liking my photos.
July 13th, 2011
@andrebarrande thanks for trying. Usually this is just some debate in a discussion, but thought it would be fun to try for a little bit. I could never do a monthly challenge though.
July 13th, 2011
@brumbe I did the same thing. I was fine with no edits for while, but then I upgraded to ace just so I could include them. I wanted everyone to see how awesome I am at editing too :)
July 13th, 2011
I am usually more SOOC than not, though I often forget to tag it as such. Also I don't tag as SOOC if I do anything at all to the photo (water mark is the only exception) including any cropping.
July 13th, 2011
I'm still learning when it comes to editing, so I haven't posted any edited photos yet. I want to be a lot more confident in editing first.
July 13th, 2011
Do to time constraints I am more sooc than not though I will add a frame and re-save the photo as a jpeg 8 in Photoshop Elements to cut down its size.
July 13th, 2011
Right there with ya babe!! Sometimes SOOC is just best!
July 13th, 2011
Do camera built-in editing (smart tech touch-up, etc...) pass as SOOC? since it is straight out of the camera and did not pass through photo-editing programs and sites?
July 13th, 2011
COUNT ME IN!!!! :) here's one sample of a SOOC i did..

July 13th, 2011
i have started tagging my sooc shots especially if i am really proud of them,i'm not big on editing anyway simply because i don't know how which is quite a good thing as it means i have to try harder to get the picture right just using the camera
July 13th, 2011
This is a stupid question but it has been bugging me for ages - what does SOOC actually stand for? I get that it means it's unedited straight from the camera but what does the actual acronym stand for???
July 13th, 2011
@naturalp I had to look it up on the internet when I started out here. Straight Out Of Camera.
July 13th, 2011
@brumbe Thanks! figured as much but it seemed to simple lol
July 24th, 2011
@Brumbe Lovely challenge! I think I could have tagged all of my pics in the st 3 months on the SOOC. So: Back to the basics! I already have a few to tag this month (I've just added my name to them)
July 25th, 2011
90% of my photos are SOOC as I do not have photoshop or any other editing software. I have cropped a few but that is about the extent of it. About 2 years ago I purchased a new camera which allows me to be in full control over my colour balances, whites etc so I have been really playing with all of that hoping to better my skills as a photographer without the editing. I have nothing against editing but for myself it is about getting it right with the camera not the computer. It has been a real challenge but I do find my photos are getting better. I have only been on this site for a week, so do not have many photos up yet but will start tagging them SOOC.
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