
January 19th, 2012
Hey guys, So i'm loving the excitement of taking a new picture each day and always being on the lookout for inspiration. However, now life is getting back into a routine I'm finding it harder to know what to take pictures of! Any ideas on things to look out for, what can make a good picture etc?

Thankyou Muchly
January 19th, 2012
I'd recommend looking at other people's photos honestly.
January 19th, 2012
Usually I love to take pictures of flowers, or places that I go to. Also there are lots of things inside your home that you can use but your a different angle so it would look like something else. Then there look up the discussion "January Treasures"and there is a list there of different topic that you can use as an inspiration. :)
January 19th, 2012
yes i think those are great suggestion, I would also say search youtube for photography tips and tutorials there are many individuals and organizations who share valuable "inspiration". Besides USA is having their internet censorship act proposal jan 24th so might be a good idea to indulge in youtube should the act be passed, youtube might disappear, but probably not
January 19th, 2012
I'm new here too and Browsing through other peoples shots gives me lots of new ideas. I also like thinking about all the themes and competitions. I don't really stand out among the wonderful shots, but it is a way to stretch the ideas and try something different.
January 19th, 2012
I'v also started to think, it's not so much what... as how you see it. And then showing that different view to the world through your photograph. After enough browsing, you will have seen the most mundane things, turned into art.
January 19th, 2012
@axel @gmf22 I know it's just opinion, folks, so take no offense. I disagree with looking at what others shoot. That is not inspiration. Too much copycat on this site. Note the number of water drop, flower, sunset pictures here.

Inspiration is what brings you emotion, when you see it, or hear it. Go for a short drive or walk. Open your eyes. I em.

You would be amazed at the image possibilities of things you never "saw" before.

To me, that's what it is all about.
January 19th, 2012
Find something that makes you feel something that day. It's a good place to start
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj Much as I enjoy looking at other people photos - I agree. Out of the photos I take, the ones I love the most are the unplanned ones when something just grabbed my attention, and then being able to capture the essence that grabbed me in a photograph...(or at least trying to!)
January 19th, 2012
Everyone has their routine lives, but what is common to you might be unique to me. I've never owned a pair of bunny slippers; it might be the crooked sign that never gets repaired; the way the lights bounce off a tin roof. I love how others live in the country with wild life; or the city with wild life; or a small house with wild life. For some of us, not every photo is a winner, it is just an honest glimpse into our everyday routine lives. I saw a macro shot last week of an overly used toothbrush that was an amazing photo. Good luck with finding things that inspire you!!
January 19th, 2012
the above was posted in another dicussion, thought it might help.... I'm really enjoying joining in with theme and various challenges, i'm finding my self taking pictures I wouldn't have normally thought of! Try looking at things from a different angle to 'normal'. Good luck!
January 19th, 2012
I've looked at your pictures and really like the way they are interesting shots of your life - for that's as much what 365 project is about as anything else...but if you are looking for new ways to take pictures the best inspiration comes from the many brilliant photographers on here.
And when I get stuck i try joining in some of the weekly themes etc., they are always interesting and add a new dimension...enjoy!
January 19th, 2012
If you are in a routine, there is probably something that you will see every single day. Does that thing change from month to month, season to season? Maybe you can capture it over the course of your 365 days.

It looks like all of my other ideas have been posted already... good luck on your project! I'm enjoying mine!
January 19th, 2012
Thanks all! I shal try and take everything you've said on board! :)
January 19th, 2012
@gmf22 as deb said - i really enjoying looking at things in a different way every day - i walk to work - so my daily challenge is to find something to photograph on my regular route - it surprising what you don't notice. Also when i have been stuck for inspiration i have done some of the themes and challenges - they are great fun
above all have fun and take lots of photos : - )
January 19th, 2012
I was really stuck for inspiration so have ended up following a 30 day photo challenge I found through google, it suggests things for each day but you can interpret that however you like
this is the one I'm following at the mo :D
January 19th, 2012
I have only just bugun on 365project this is my first year! I just pack my camera with me where ever I go, and now that I am more aware of the fact that i need fun and interesting photos to post everyday, it is amazing how much more I notice new photo ops.
January 19th, 2012
I'm actually keeping a list on my phone with ideas that I randomly think of during the day. So far, I've not actually done anything from that list, but it's comforting knowing it's there in case I'm suddenly in need! I've also found that just going into a room or area and looking around can give me ideas. That's how I got the last 3 photos I've uploaded.
January 21st, 2012
I've found a simple walk around the neighborhood works for me. If you look at my first album, you'll see many shots that I took just from those walks. You walk, you see something, you start shooting.

Shooting for me is contagious, because once I start, I usually can't stop and if I don't stop, the odds are in my favor I'll get something really usable.
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