Flashback... Just for fun!

January 20th, 2010
The new 365 Flashback feature takes you back in time by selecting random days from your project.

It's a clever addition that will bring up lots of surprises when you have been doing it a few months or even years!

Personally, I rarely look back through my pictures manually in full size, so it's pretty handy to have. This is such a quick and easy way for us all to re-live memories that are easily forgotten over time.

Try it for yourselves - the button can be found on the 'You' page next to the calendar button. Just so you know, this will only appear for those of you that have completed your first full month of your project.

Have fun everyone!

January 20th, 2010
Great idea can't wait to try it when i've done a month :o)
January 21st, 2010
January 21st, 2010
Well that didn't work. I have no idea how to show you what I found when I clicked the button.
January 21st, 2010
JR, that was a link to the page, if you want to embed the image, use the address of the photo.

eg... <img src="http://static.365project.org/1/1467_efgknorxy8_s.jpg">

you can find the address by clicking the "More Sizes" link on the right hand side, just above the tags.
January 21st, 2010
Great idea Ross! I saw the button on my page and clicked on it just cause I was curious. Now that I've read this, I understand a little better! Today is day 200 for me so it is fun to look back on random photos from the past 7 months or so!
January 21st, 2010
This is a great way to get a random but clear feeling for other peoples photography styles too.... Awesome idea!
January 21st, 2011
I LOVE this feature! It really helps when I want to look at someone else's photos who has tons of them, so instead of scrolling backward through their album, I can just view them at random.

Why does it not show up for everyone?
January 22nd, 2011
@musicguy1982 it only appears for those who have completed a month of their project.
January 27th, 2011
Very cool feature, just happened to notice it!
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