Cleaning Lenses

August 20th, 2010
How do you do it? I bought a lens cleaning kit, it had a weird contraption that was basically like a paint brush on the end of a air blower thingy, some lens wipes, and some solution. I used the wipes, only to find it scratched my filter. Grrrr.... I then realised that I probably should have used some solution with them...
Anyway, the kit didn't come with any instructions. I am a bit hesitant to google anything, because there is a lot of wrong information out there.

Can anyone tell me how to do it, or send me a link?

Also, how else can you prevent dust and dirt getting on your lenses? I replace the cap as soon as I finish shooting, but there is always dust spots getting onto my filters!
August 20th, 2010
You are on the right track having a filter on your lens. It is a great way to protect your lens.
Step one - blow a little air onto the lens to blow off any bigger / loose dust. You can also use the brush to sweep any dust away. Rubbing a sandy / dirty lens can scratch it.
Step two - take a wipe and scrunch it up a little, then add a drop or two of solution to the wipe - NOT THE LENS. I have heard that it is possible to get solution down into the lens.
Step three - gently wipe the lens with the wet wipe in a circular motion.

This is how my dad taught me - ages ago. And I found the same instructions in my lens cleaning kit too.

I don't know how to prevent dust. I'd rather use it in all kinds of situations and clean it regularly than stress too much about dust.
August 20th, 2010
Depends what you want. I know some professional wedding photogs who do the old "hot breath and wipe" method - and they claim to have had zero problems for years!

MAKE SURE YOU WHIPE FOR DUST FIRST!! Any high-quality brush will do :) (becuase if you rub a piece of dirt around it would be nasty!)

I personally buy "lens cleaner" from my local camera shop, and simply dab it on and rub off :) Just make sure you use a high quality microfiber cloth! (or something similar)
August 20th, 2010
Thanks guys, I think I will invest in a quality cleaning kit, because the one I got was pretty crappy.
I am just so scared to clean the actual lens, because if I scratch it, I am screwed!
August 24th, 2010
Justin, I do the hot breath and wipe when I'm out and about, haha! I use filters on all my lens (check out my picture for Aug. 22nd and you'll see why), so I don't worry too much about messing them up.

Otherwise it's 90% rubbing alcohol and a tissue for me, when I'm home and cleaning them. I don't get too fancy around these parts.
August 31st, 2010
The most simple way is to use a LENSPEN!!
Thats all I use. Even on expensive lenses!!
September 8th, 2010
Don't mean to hijack the thread but I gotta question: can you just use compressed air like the cans you would use to clean computer keyboards, etc? As long as there aren't any fingerprints you need to clean off the lens, just dirt, dust or sand, would air be safer?
September 9th, 2010
Externally on lenses, I'd say yes. But it's a no no when it comes to cleaning off sensors, as there's contaminants in the canned air that can get stuck on the sensors.
September 9th, 2010
It's funny in that I got something on my cp filter and it would not come off using my microfiber lens cleaning cloth. When we got home, I ran some tap water on the filter and used a clean man's handkerchief (100% cotton) and it worked like a dream.
I have found the trick of swallowing first, then blowing across the lens/filter face will remove most dust particles. I'd be nervous using canned air due to the pressure and that it comes out pretty cold and could result in condensation where you don't want it.
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