How to Remove Shadow

September 18th, 2011
This is my second picture of Dartanian, my chinchilla... Overall, I like how this one came out. However, does anyone have any tips on getting rid of the shadow on him? It's unavoidable since he is nearly always in his cage and impossible to catch if he's not so I'm trying to see if there is a way to work around it.

I tried using a longer exposer but he just wouldn't sit still, even in his hut. The lighting was such that I had to use my flash, so I position my camera right up against the bars of the cage, but unfortunately that takes them out of the photo but puts them right in the way of my flash.

September 18th, 2011
Maybe try the Dodge and Burn tool to lighten just that bar, but it would be experimentation only.
September 18th, 2011
@mallocarray Thanks, I'll try that.
September 18th, 2011
Yeah, the problem is that while the shadow looks pretty uniform at a glance, when you get down to it the soft edges of the shadow will need to be matched perfectly by the "strength" of the tool you use. It's going to be pretty hard getting it spot on, but with enough time and patience you could do it.

Good luck!
September 18th, 2011
I would get a small LED light and slip it through the bars, and then use the camera with flash off. Crude, but effective!
September 19th, 2011
How cute!

Meet mine Chinchilla :)

I also find it very difficult. Mines has a big cage so I will just enter the camera inside hehe Quite tricky. Also, I don't like how his color looks when the flash is on, so I have to do it without flash and just wait he is still (almost impossible hehe)
September 19th, 2011
@eyebrows @jinximages - Thanks. i'm going to try editting carefully in Photoshop but I am going to try other photo techniques as well since I like to take good photos as opposed to taking mediocre ones and editing them to look good. (not that my photos are great - I'm just saying I'm more of a 'traditionalist' :) )
September 19th, 2011
@andrebarrande - HOW CUTE!!! I should get Dart in my bathroom and shut the door, I could probably get a good picture in there. The lighting is great, so I wouldn't have to use my flash and could ramp up the shutter speed to catch him mid-sprint. I have an external flash coming this week so maybe that will prove usefull as well. I need to get him a bigger cage, I'm in the process of designing a new one for him since I am getting a much bigger apartment soon.
September 19th, 2011
Yeah I would actually add that a real world solution, like @jinximages one, is vastly preferable to trying to edit this kind of shadow out.
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