Editing Tutorial: Textures

June 5th, 2010
Hey there!

So, lately all over 365 and Facebook I've been seeing a lot of threads and getting questions about editing, photoshop and "how did you do it" sort of things.
Being an avid photoshop user myself, I thought I'd let all of you fantastic people in on one of my little secrets ;)

Sometimes when I'm going through my photographs and I feel like they need umph, but don't know what to do, I often use textures overtop my images to give them a little extra something.

I don't really know how to explain what textures are other than to just say, browse through at these and keep em in mind as I blabble on.

*Left Turn- the link 2 lines above is where I get majority of my textures from. Sometimes I know what I'm looking for, sometimes I just browse. It's trial and error really.

Before I begin, I'll show you some examples of my personal work that I use textures on so you can understand a little more:

PS. Click all of the photographs to enlarge!

Some textures are more prominent in photographs, while others aren't.
In this first one, you can't really tell, however in the second and third-maybe-, you can.

Here are the textures that I used for those photographs:

Now that you see the textures, can you spot them in the photographs more clearly? *Note: The second photograph combined textures 2 & 3 together

Here's how to apply textures in Photoshop!

Open your photograph in Photoshop and clean it up, do as you wish. (Brightness & contrast, healing tool, colour balance etc.)
Once you're done that, copy & paste your texture overtop your photograph. Stretch it out to fill the image fully if necessary.

It should look something like this, you should have a new layer as well:

Next, you're going to want to go to the Blending Mode and change it until you find something you're content with. I suggest going with either Lighten/Screen or Soft/Hard Light, but it's completely up to you.
Also, you can change the opacity, so you can have a more natural look if you wish.

After that, clean up anything up if needed and you should be done.

Hope this helps :)

June 5th, 2010
great tips! will be trying some of the effects soon! THANKYOU!
June 5th, 2010
Thanks for sharing! This is very helpful!
June 6th, 2010
I don't have photoshop and i heard it's not very user friendly which is a "no no" for a "low tech" person like me. but still, i enjoy reading your tips and thanks for being so patient and kind to teach us something :)
June 6th, 2010
hi again! i just had a go, and it worked! will try in properly on a photo for this next week! thanks again!
June 6th, 2010
where can i get photoshop?
June 6th, 2010
Awe, no problem, I'm happy you guys like it!

Carly- you can get photoshop straight off their website, although it'll be a 30 day trial.
From there, you'll have to find a torrent or serial numbers and illegally crack it.
It's terrible, I know. But 500$ is a lot.
Honestly, just google it and you can probably find something to crack it.
June 7th, 2010
^ Yes! Hahah
Actually he can just go to youtube and write 'Download Photoshop for free'
He should make sure to read the comments to see what people say (to know if it's a virus or not.)
June 7th, 2010
June 7th, 2010
I just got Photoshop elements, so this was good info. Can't wait to try it out!
July 15th, 2010
Thanks so much for the tutorial!
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