I had such a great day today! I slept in, and when I got up, I was snuggled by both my boys. M made me a frame in school with his photo that said "Mom...I love when you sing me funny songs". My Mother's Day tradition is to go to a local nursery and buy a plant that each boy picks out. Then, we went to brunch at my sister's house with my parents, my grandmother, my sisters, nieces, nephew and brother-in-law.
In the afternoon, we went to M's t ball game. He has been struggling the first two weeks and didn't really participate. Today, he played the entire game and even slid into home plate. My favorite part though was one time he fielded a ball and looked over at the whole family with a smile ear to ear. He was so proud of himself.
Then, we finished up with a nice dinner with my husbands parents. It was a wonderful day!