This morning the boys were working together to find letter stickers so that they could write the alphabet in stickers. They did great! It was amazing to see them work together as a team toward a common goal. I think this might be the first time that they have come up with a task together and really focused on accomplishing it without intervention from me or my husband.
Look who took out her camera today. Are you so proud of me?!
Good for you. I go days without mine and don't miss it. I got over taking photos everyday as I want to enjoy the moments without a lens in my face sometimes. LOVE capturing these sweet moments, though. Hope that you get them often. Our first day of summer today and I barely survived!
@amandal Yeah, this year I didn't want to be a slave to this project like I was the first time I did it, so there are a lot of iPhone diary shots. This was my worst stretch yet though! Yesterday was our and we spent the entire morning at the car dealership getting my car fixed. Hopefully the rest of the summer will be better!!
@egad Shoot, I still need to get my recalls fixed at Honda. I've put it off for 6 months and we are about to do a road trip. Eeek. Oh yeah, we are headed your way:).
They look to make great team E! My brother and I fought like cats and dogs growing. Now that we are older I wish we had more times like you've captured with your boys.
I wish mine could act like this!! You give them a task of any kind, and it's a battle!!! "It's not my stuff" "Well Gabe left it out" " I didn't do it"!!