He may have been bothered by our presence as we enjoyed our spot and each others company as the sun started to ease it's self down... but not too much so because he kept circling back, at one point, with a snackage to start his evening dining.
Truly a great day - crazy how many wonderful things we saw! And then a Bald Eagle just glides over us as the sun starts setting... even he didn't bother the hawk. I love my peeps @aikiuser, @pixelchix@soylentgreenpics and our trips so our min-sojourns made it an awesome sauce day!
Thank you for your comments and faves and opinions - all very much appreciated and inspiring!
Have a good week ~ be well and share the good juju.
Year 7 on this adventure! I’m especially appreciative of the community found here! I am inspired by everyone; learning from so many. Your shares make...