One of my wiser fridge magnets - felt like sharing it with you today. Most of my fridge magnets are funny (I think) - this is one I find quite comforting.
Bought this at the shop of the tall old tower in Bruges. (If you've been there or seen 'In Bruges' you'll know the one I mean). It struck a chord with me. :)
"Your vision is always 20/20 - in hindsight" Or so my Gran used to tell me - I think she meant that life was made of choices and chances - and we could only see it clearly by looking back on it. - I like this quote - possibly Kirkegaard's most easily understood one!
Very true, looking back I see I could have done things differently trough my life, but then again, my experiences would be different and I would be a different person.
If I had 2 k's and a double a in my surname I could be on a fridge magnet one day. It would say "You're not here for a long time, you're here for a great time"