book club by fiveplustwo

book club

the character "diane", a widow (which was played by diane keaton) reads fifty shades darker. in the movie she has two dowdy daughters with brain cramps who want her to live with them in their basement. why? because they think their mother is as old as matuselah. like, come on! the mother dresses in low-waisted skinny jeans and kid ankle boots and they want her to not have a life. hahaha!

for the record, i have never read the book(s) because you read one pornographic book, you've read them all.

you drank the wine though, right?
July 26th, 2018  
@kali66 - it's ribena, a black currant concentrate. i only have white. :-)
July 26th, 2018  
July 26th, 2018  
Well done! Agreed, especially on the fifty shade series... though, the sell like hell (planning my next novel will be an explicit series about the contrasted but thoroughly practiced love between a wizard and a witch, possibly in a medieval ambient with some dragon-like hot tools... LOL) @summerfield
July 26th, 2018  
Love the photo, and the ribena, you've got a great SOH. Totally agree re porno books, been there, did that when I was a teenager (a very long time ago).
July 26th, 2018  
@domenicododaro Eat your heart out Harry Potter.
July 26th, 2018  
@golftragic hahaha got the title, too: Hundred and fifty games of wizardry...
July 26th, 2018  
You had to go out and buy the book for the picture, right? Id take the red wine over the book any day, but Ribena - I'm not so sure. Well I like the sound of the widow, I hope she sorted her daughters out good and proper!
July 26th, 2018  
@helenhall - no, i was reading the book when the movie was coming out and wondered how similar or different they were, and if there was a legal issue with the book's author. lots of people told me the movie was bad but to me it was funny enough that i could like it. I love the book, too, though it's more on the soberly dramatic mood, but both explores the emotions of being old. i'm still looking up if there was a legal issue because i'd like to weigh in what i think.
July 26th, 2018  
I loved the movie! I especially loved Keaton and Bergen. What fun! This is a terrific selfie, Vikki!
July 26th, 2018  
Even though you never read it you look as if you are thoroughly enjoying it. Well done for the movie. Maybe you should do one for 50 Shades?!
July 26th, 2018  
Great photo. You look like I probably would reading that book...dhicked. And as teenagers, the worst book was Made Chatterly's Lover. Greyhound probably think it's okay for grade schoolers today.
I enjoyed the movie too. Roland even liked it. I thought he would think it was too girly.
July 26th, 2018  
Greg and I went to the movie. It was funny and yet not as funny as I’d hoped. I do love the actresses but I don’t know. Maybe it hit a bit close to home and how aging suddenly isn’t funny.
July 26th, 2018  
@summerfield now you have got me interested in the book club book, but it was the 50 shades I was referring to!
July 27th, 2018  
@domenicododaro Hahaha! Good one Domenico.
July 27th, 2018  
You look as if you are enjoying the juicy parts gleefully! No one looking over your shoulder! Its nice to hear how you put it all together and compliment you on the result!
July 27th, 2018  
The book looks brand new :) Well done
July 27th, 2018  
if you haven't seen yet, here's "the making of" details of this self portrait.

@domenicododaro - way to go! thanks, DD.

@golftragic - whew! someone agrees with me for a change. thanks, marnie.

@kali66 - thanks, friend.

@louannwarren - thanks, lou ann.

@grammyn - no, thank you very much. :-D

@henrir - i never liked fonda that much but i did like her in the movie. glad roland enjoyed it. thanks, henri.

@pandorasecho - this is the second movie I've seen this year about the old folks. they are quite eye openers. we did use to sweep this reality underneath the carpet but there are quite a few issues we must face, as we become part of it. thank you, Dixie.

@helenhall - thank you, Helen.

@maggiemae - thank you a lot, my friend.

@adi314 - i take good care of my books. thanks, kiddo.
July 27th, 2018  
@summerfield lovely take Vikki, I immediately 'saw' Diane Keaton before opening the post (just from the icon), so you did a great job channeling her!! :) :)
July 29th, 2018  
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