Dainty Miss by francoise

Dainty Miss

I should perhaps explain why there are so many spider pictures. I've not bee in the woods much over the last few weeks since first I, then Lucy was out of commission. Now we're both back on our feet, but the spiders took over and have blocked every single one of our paths.

For black and white light and shadows fortnight.
ooohhh so creepy!
August 3rd, 2014  
The cheeky blighters...I love the shots you're getting though
August 3rd, 2014  
Nature, it will take over given the slightest chance. Nice bug.
August 3rd, 2014  
So you know that spiders are taking over the world...
August 3rd, 2014  
Great shot and details, but kind of creepy!
August 3rd, 2014  
Dainty? Really? My Wife would argue LOL
August 3rd, 2014  
I`m not that keen on spiders but great capture nevertheless.
August 3rd, 2014  
Nice darkness to the photo
August 3rd, 2014  
Ha, those spiders have been busy in your absence, it's amazing how quick they can rebuild too! A lovely spider, so interesting to look at. A great capture, I like the light on its abdomen and legs. The darkness is very atmospheric!
August 4th, 2014  
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