To flag something means singling it out for special notice. One can think of the Boss sending email with an extra flag to demand your attention. And what about those soldiers in the famous flag-raising picture on Iwo Jima? Are they flagging the island as their own? Flagging it for freedom? Flagging it for victory? Flagging it for the sheer joy that the battle is over and they’re alive?
Well, I’m flagging my project with a special flag flying in the picture above. I’ll probably take the flag down later today out of respect, as I was taught as a child by my father, though the respect in this case is not patriotic but just conservationist. Why should a perfectly good piece of material suffer the depredations of the elements? I flew the flag in the backyard as a symbol for today, the first of July! It’s an important starting day of a month of little mini writing projects inspired by July’s word of the day list. I have no idea where this project will go, or if it even qualifies as a project. Perhaps all my posts will be like this one, rambling through word play with no particular destination in mind. But I feel a desire to do something meditative with a little continuity. I’ve lived long enough to know that one just does not know in advance what will happen when a project is started, but also that something always does happen.
In writing this, I’ve gone back now several times and deleted warnings to 365ers that they really do not need to be reading this post as it has nothing to do with photography! (What did we ever do without the delete key?)
But, speaking of flagging, one could think of a censor flagging an item of questionable taste. Does this particular online community need to know, for example, that my son told me yesterday that he’s gay? I was saying that yay, now gay people have the right to that most dysfunctional of institutions, marriage. Yes, I’m happily married and believe in marriage. That doesn’t make marriages any less dysfunctional. Liam said something and I said, “are you gay?” He said, “I thought you knew.”
Well, I’ve suspected this for a while, but didn’t feel the need to have him confirm my knowledge explicitly. Parents discussing sex of any kind with their children strikes me as off limits The generalities, the principles, the ideas are of course fine, but the specifics are decidedly private. And yet here I am publishing on the internet! The truth is that he can love anyone he wants to love. I’ve always been of the-more-love-in-the-world-the-better school of thought.
My main concern about his “revelation” is my own desire for grandchildren. He’s only 18. I had wanted eight children, was given only one, and now to find out that grandchildren are denied as well???!!! I have two step children, and they may well reproduce, so I’m not sure why I’m crying in my cups. And Liam said he’d consider adopting a few as well, though my suggestion of eight was not received as serious.
I suppose that the bible-thumpers among my relatives and friends will be doing extra praying on his behalf when they find out. Oh well. I’ve always been of the-more-prayer-in-the-world-the-better school of thought as well.
See? Even aimless projects go somewhere. Maybe I should have considered flying a rainbow colored flag.
All writing, when allowed to go wherever THE WRITING wants to go, leads us to places in ourselves we never expected! I've filled more notebooks with meaningless morning dribble than I can remember, but those morning pages opened doors to my brain that I didn't know existed. Have fun with it! And give Liam a hug.
I did read all the way through and find your words to be powerful. You have a lot to digest but hopefully there's some relief in seeing the tide turning in favor of equality. Wishing you the best...and a future of grandchildren regardless of the way that all takes shape. I like your idea of using the daily post as a way to prompt your writing. I'm guessing by the end of the series or the year, you'll have sorted through so many different aspects of life!
Wow that's a lot. Great start to the picture/word of the day. I really need to get back into those daily doses of writing but have been uninspired. Thanks for the nudge... maybe
I love your writing and the way it develops as it goes along. Thank goodness for equality I have many gay friends and they are without exception. great people. Intelligent fun and great company. Hopefully you will be blessed with grandchildren one way or another!
First of all, a fantastic idea for the month of July and I can't wait to follow along. And I second everything Joyce just wrote - and I'd like to add that you and Liam are blessed to have each other!
As soon as I heard you were writing, I knew I'd be following you extra closely this month. I love the words as much as the visual, and I always enjoy your writing.