I was quite pleased with my starbursts, having never been able to do them before. This is in the Plaza in Kansas City, MO. It was late at night and almost deserted due to the freezing temperature (around 10 degrees for this shot). There are taller buildings in the background - if you look closely you can see them. Thanks for looking.
@pamknowler - thanks Pam. @paulaw - I set my aperture to f18, Paula and played around with exposure/ISO. I used a tripod but realized for really sharp ones I would need a remote cable - I used a lower shutter speed ( you can check my Exif) - I took quite a few with different settings and this was the best one. I did remember a tutorial and looked it up: http://365project.org/discuss/general/19856/csc-36-seeing-stars
That f18 will does this beautifully. If you dont have a cable release just use the self timer on your camera to get that extra sharpness. Really nicely done
@paulaw - I set my aperture to f18, Paula and played around with exposure/ISO. I used a tripod but realized for really sharp ones I would need a remote cable - I used a lower shutter speed ( you can check my Exif) - I took quite a few with different settings and this was the best one. I did remember a tutorial and looked it up: http://365project.org/discuss/general/19856/csc-36-seeing-stars
@bristolrose @eyesmile @amandakay129 @sansjuan - thanks for the lovely comments!
@pflaume - Thanks Lisa!