I have worn a FitBit for four years and try to track my steps to make sure I get enough exercise. I first tried replacing it with an Apple iWatch but found it more like just another phone. The new FitBit is pretty much the same and helps me keep on track (and significantly cheaper). However, as is obvious, I did not get my 10,000 steps in but evidently slept well (sleep score of 84).
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After a three year hiatus (and three previous years on project without a miss) I am...
Great pov. I really should get one as I currently use my phone for step counting but as I don’t always have my phone in my hand a lot of steps get missed
Sometimes sleep is more important than steps! I, too, have a Fitbit But lately find a use it more as a watch than anything else! Nice close-up detail on this one
A great shot!