Babes on Bikes' First Cherry Blossom Ride 2011 by jbritt

Babes on Bikes' First Cherry Blossom Ride 2011

Nancy led the Babes on Bikes on our first blossom ride of 2011. It was a bit chillier than usual--her threshold is 32 deg @ 8am; today it was 33. We were surprised that the Haines Pt and Tidal Basin trees were in full bloom. Crowds are beginning to discover them too, but we could still ride in the streets near the tidal basin. The Kenwood trees aren't blooming yet.

This weeping cherry is one of our favorite trees. The 14th St bridge is in the background. Meg H, Nancy, Nadine, Miriam, and Katherine are in the photo.

At least two other groups of Babes on Bikes were riding at the same time. Bunny led a group along the canal towpath to Great Falls. Lynn led a hilly road route from Bluemont and discovered many blooming cherry trees in N. Springfield.
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