An Unexpected Light by jmdeabreu

An Unexpected Light

I never thought I'd say this, but I think I met an angel. 👼 Not the kind with wings, but someone who came into my life when it was at its darkest and unknowingly brought a light back into it.
We started talking, and with each conversation, a little bit of the darkness lifted. Their words, their kindness, it was like tiny lifelines pulling me back from the abyss. We took walks along ancient paths, like the one between Jardim do Mar and Prazeres, where the view from 400 meters above sea level offered a breathtaking panorama of my village. Being in nature with this angel brought a sense of peace that helped heal my soul.
They probably don't even realise the impact they've had on me. They reminded me of my strength, my own light, when I couldn't see it myself. 🙏
This is a reminder that even when we feel lost, there is always hope. There are angels among us, sometimes disguised as ordinary people, who can guide us back to the light.
Thought for the Day: Open your heart to unexpected connections. Sometimes, the people who come into our lives at just the right moment are the angels we've been waiting for.
You are blessed.
June 2nd, 2024  
I know and I give thanks
June 2nd, 2024  
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