Reflecting by judithg


This is the Music Centre at Churchill College. I've often thought that there's a photo in it somewhere because of the reflective glass - I don't know if there is really but I don't have anything else today!
I finally got my shoulder injected (and was very grumpy indeed as it turns out that I needn't have waited so long for a special clinic and the GP just slapped it in!) It didn't hurt at the time but a bit tender now so I'll be commenting more tomorrow and giving it a rest this evening.
the reflection is lovely - hope the jab works and your shoulder is better tomorrow
April 3rd, 2012  
great reflections - ouch to the jab - hope it starts to feel better tomorrow :o)
April 3rd, 2012  
Wow the reflection is perfect!
April 3rd, 2012  
Very effective; reflection and reality blend nicely.
April 3rd, 2012  
Very cool. I like this. Best of luck with your shoulder - hope it feels all better soon.
April 3rd, 2012  
This looked good in thumbnail, but amazing when larger, what a great shot!
April 3rd, 2012  
Very cool, love the reflection!
April 3rd, 2012  
This is fantastic! And I'm jealous for a reason - I wish I'd taken it! I have a competition coming up entitiled 'Reflection', and I've nothing as original and as good as this!
April 3rd, 2012  
nice...great reflection!
April 3rd, 2012  
Great pov and reflection :) I hope you feel better tomorrow :)
April 3rd, 2012  
I sure hope it helps a lot! You captured the reflections really nicely. I especially like the depth of it and how both lines draw me in...if you know what I mean
April 3rd, 2012  
Great reflection/mirror image! Really well done!
April 3rd, 2012  
I do like this composition and reflection! hope the injections help!
April 3rd, 2012  
Great reflection. Hope the shoulder is better!!
April 3rd, 2012  
Awww, i love this shot, mostly because of the memories (although the composition is great too) - I did my undergraduate at Churchill and would regularly use the Music centre.
April 3rd, 2012  
this is beautiful judith, great capture and a fave for me :)

btw : You should revisit this location , there are lots of i ages to be had here . There is definitely a 'bob down low technique' shot to be had just showing reflections.

Hope the shoulder is getting better

April 3rd, 2012  
A very interesting reflection shot Judith.
April 3rd, 2012  
That's a good capture, well spotted. Nice reflection angle of the path curving round. Shoulders are a trouble when painful, they do seem to take time to mend. Hope you feel better soon.
April 3rd, 2012  
Pretty cool reflection - you could think it was a dual carriage way and try to drive along it...
April 3rd, 2012  
Wow cool reflection
April 3rd, 2012  
Oh dear your injection has given you double vision !!!! Seriously a great POV & an amazing building with all that glass, must inspire the music students !! Glad the injection wasn't too painful & the main thing that it works ! hope you have a good nights sleep at last !!
April 3rd, 2012  
Very nice reflection.

Why do I always expect to see Harry Worth at the far end?
April 4th, 2012  
hope your shoulder feels better soon..... this is an awesome shot!
April 4th, 2012  
Cool reflection and ellipsis. Hope shoulder is ok. Used to have injection in achilles. We must be like Trojans. stoic
April 4th, 2012  
Love the reflection!
April 4th, 2012  
Just beautiful, Judith - love the lines and reflections!
April 4th, 2012  
Love the reflection! Great shot!
April 4th, 2012  
A new perspective on reflection. It quickly draws me into the picture.
April 4th, 2012  
@ellida Oh yes had forgotten about him with his legs going up & down, we are giving away ages here Graham !!!
April 4th, 2012  
Great reflection shot... love that you put it a little off center and gave the reflective surface the importance.
April 4th, 2012  
@phoenixrising Glad you like it - we like Churchill because they let dogs in - I should take more photos there but I have trouble getting interesting angles with dog in tow!
April 4th, 2012  
@happypat @ellida I Googled him! ;0) I'm thinking there's another shot to be had!!
April 4th, 2012  
Lovely reflections! (I'm going to have to Google 'Harry Worth' as well). Hate to hear that your shoulder is still giving you fits...hope that injection (cortisone?) starts to work for you!!
April 4th, 2012  
This is lovely - I love reflection shots like this. Hope your shoulder gets better soon
April 4th, 2012  
Wonderful opportunity for a photo , the reflections are amazing.I hope you get some relief from the injection .When I had one for my knee it was bliss for 2 weeks than back to normal pain!
April 4th, 2012  
Excellent photo again. I hope the shoulder improves.
April 4th, 2012  
Brilliant. Perfect mirror image xx
April 4th, 2012  
Well worth viewing large and yes, there was a shot in this! I like the effect if you forget for a moment that it is a reflection. Everything symmetrical all disappearing into the distance.
April 5th, 2012  
Oh, and I do hope the injection takes effect soon. How frustrating to have waited unnecessarily. Cortisone, or something similar?
April 5th, 2012  
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