I am so glad that you enjoy jason molina as much as I do. I miss looking forward to new music from him, but he left behind a bounty to listen to forever.
I had to come back and tell you that I clicked on the song link and had acoustic JM playing in the background this morning and it sounded so lovely. I just returned from the gym and in my car I had this song playing and I immediately thought of sharing it with you because I think that you'll enjoy it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eWJmN8D820 it's actually a cover of an 80's song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HI_xFQWiYU but the way that Sturgill sings it makes it so deep.
@blueberry1222 i will check that out later and let you know...
I am so pleased you introduced me to this man and his music :)
I had a lot of anxiety today and 'hold on magnolia.. you dont have to be that strong" was my mantra to get through it, It is funny how predictive my photography can be !
Lovely image, with the petal cradling the lost parts. Thought I was following you because I've always admired your photography, so am faving and following.
I am so pleased you introduced me to this man and his music :)
I had a lot of anxiety today and 'hold on magnolia.. you dont have to be that strong" was my mantra to get through it, It is funny how predictive my photography can be !
god those 80s guys though LOL