@graemestevens Graeme, thank you. So, I'd like to know how in the world you maintain such consistent and individualized comments throughout your 365 journey. I just gave up about two years ago. I simply couldn't keep up with it and felt it had become a burden rather than a joy. And yet, if you don't stay relational with all your "followers," you simply lose ground in regard to getting your photos noticed and in the Top Twenty. I know that the TT is not the end all, but it's nice when it happens. And, of course, it seldom happens since I gave up trying to comment. Well anyway, just had to get that off my chest! And to say that I admire your diligence!
No worries Kareen, I know only too well what you mean about replying to comments, but then I think of the friendships I've made through the daily chit-chat with people in a number of countries. Hang in there.