Head Over Heels Over My Girl by kareenking

Head Over Heels Over My Girl

This is Hank's typical greeting when anyone shows up. Oh, and this is my beautiful baby girl, Kat who chose Hank as her own and named him too.
Great shot!
Love the title...proud mama!
June 3rd, 2014  
Such a sweet photo! Hank can jump high for his size! Kat is a cutie too. Nice processing...looks nostalgic.
June 3rd, 2014  
Wonderful candid shot - the connection between girl and dog is riveting. A fav.
June 3rd, 2014  
@snaphappi @jannyography @angeliekevl Thanks so much for your sweet comments and fav's. :)
June 3rd, 2014  
Lovely capture, lots of love there :-)
June 3rd, 2014  
Kat and Dog are obviously crazy about each other. Lovely.
June 3rd, 2014  
Very cute. Hank can sure jump!
June 3rd, 2014  
They look like a mutual admiration society of their own. Great, fun capture.
June 3rd, 2014  
What a wonderful welcome - unconditional love.
June 3rd, 2014  
What a fun action shot, really shows the personality of both :) Also, really like it in b@w - fav.
June 3rd, 2014  
love the dogs in the air!!!
June 3rd, 2014  
Gorgeous capture!
June 3rd, 2014  
Great action shot!
June 3rd, 2014  
This is a just an amazing photo of both of them and your daughter is just gorgeous!!!
June 4th, 2014  
@eyesmile Why thank you for the compliment on Kat's behalf, Gena. :)
June 4th, 2014  
@hinkkd @lynnilou @francoise @linah @golftragic @sansjuan @888rachel @mbemis @hermann Thanks for your kind comments and fav's. :)
June 4th, 2014  
Cute capture :-)
June 7th, 2014  
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