Uploading Update: I now now that there is no problem with my 365 Project Account. For unknown reasons, I cannot upload photos to the 365 Project from my home. I can upload on email, Facebook, and DropBox, but not 365. Photos upload instantly from other locations outside my home which is in the country. Does anyone know what kind of internet/wi-fi glitch that would cause this strange behavior? This makes no sense to me!
Kareen, I talked to my son, whose in this line of work (tech support for the state's electric company). He is on 365: @arthur2sheds Another 365er who is in this line of work for a bank is Ron @kannafoot. My son suspects that you have a Mac and are using Safari. He says to try another browser such as explorer or firefox and see if that helps.
@cejaanderson Thanks so much, Jane. I appreciate your efforts to help me out. I actually have a PC and have tried every browser. I can upload in other locations besides my home. Indeed it's a mystery!
@shepherdmanswife Thank you for the suggestion. I actually did start a discussion several days ago. But, now I know it's a location issue. I've been uploading photos to 365 for almost two years now and have never had issues until this past week. So odd.