Cool Teal by lellie

Cool Teal

I hotfooted it all the way to Trimley Marshes (a 5 mile round walk) where I know there was a large flock of teal on Saturday. Not any more, so I've had to make do with a page from Birds Britannica
Awwww! The number of times I've seen something and thought, "ooo I'll take a pic of that tomorrow". Only to find that by tomorrow it's gone! Nice pic in your book though.
October 24th, 2012  
Very creative. Sometimes we just have to compromise
October 24th, 2012  
Oh what a beautiful page in a beautiful book. Creative idea for the challenge.
October 24th, 2012  
Good attempt Lesley and a good walk & creative shot in the end.
October 24th, 2012  
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