Yesterday evening:
Bob- What's your plans for tomorrow?
Me- No plans
This morning turned on the news and the Amorphophallus titanum is blooming in the U.S. Botanic Garden .....PLANS
Took me 20 minutes in line to get into the building. Guess I wasn't the only one watching the news. lol It is reputed to have the largest know unbranched inflorescence in the plant kingdom. This is it's first bloom and is about seven years old. When it blooms it stinks but I didn't smell anything. They said it reeked last night. So glad I had the day off because it only blooms for 24 to 48 hours. Was this shot easy, not really....put the crowd picture in my extras album ...
I just heard about this on the news, too! They described it but I had a hard time visualizing it. So glad you posted this photo. Such a stunning flower!